The Mistake You Can't Erase Ch. 14

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Chapter 14

You wake up the next morning and hear the shower on. You pulls the covers off and find yourself wrapped in a towel. You look over as the door opens. Justin walks out with nothing but boxers on. He walks up to you and lays next to you.

"Good morning beautiful." He leans in and kisses you. 

"Good morning." You smile at him. 

"It's time to get ready." He says softly and kisses your chest. 

"What time are we leaving.?" 

"We have to check out at 12 & I gave scooter some money to buy you a plane ticket."

You get up and jump in the shower. Justin finishes getting ready and packs his bags. You get out and quickly get ready. You put on your necklace and put your hair up in a bun. As you are packing your bags, Justin comes up behind you a d grabs your hips. You zip up your suitcase and stand up. Justin turns you around and slams his lips against yours.

He slowly pulls away, "I think I'm going to like doing that!" 

"Do what?" 

"Kiss your amazing lips and hopefully," he touches your stomach. 

"You really want to do this don't you?" 

"Of course." He smiles at you. 

"When can we go to the doctor?" 

"When we go get your stuff." 


"Are you scared?" 


"Are you sure?" 

"Well what are your fans going to think. Your mom? Dad? The press?" 

"You will leave that up to me." 

"I just don't wanna get hate." 

"You won't baby. Everything is going to be alright."

Justin reaches behind you and grabs your suit case and takes it to the door. You follow him and sit on the couch. You bring your knees to your chest. You start to think and shed a few tears. Justin looks over at you and sees you crying.

He quickly runs over to you and grabs your hand, "babe?" 


"Stop crying." He wipes your face. 

"But, justin-" 

"But nothing. We will get through this together. I'm not going anywhere." He holds your hand. 

"You promise.?" 

"I promise." 

"Pinky promise.?" 

"I pinky promise."

He hugs you tightly and kisses you softly. Justin's phone starts to ring. He quickly answers it.

"What's up scooter.?" 

"You guys ready to leave?" 

"Yeah. We are all packed up." 

"Alright. I'll meet you guys downstairs." 


He hangs up. "Ready?"

You slowly nod. He reaches for your hand and holds it tightly. You both get up and head for the door. You grab your purse as Justin grabs the bags. You go down to the lobby and meet up with scooter as he checks everyone out. You and Justin start to walk to the car. Paparazzi are waiting for you guys to walk out. Justin tightly holds your hand and runs outside with you. The paparazzi swarm you.

"Nice necklace, you have there." One of them says and snaps a picture.

You get in car and sit on Justin's lap.

*You think to yourself* "what did I get myself into?..."

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