The Mistake You Cant Erase Ch. 19

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Chapter 19

You smile and turn around but find Justin's back facing you.

"Justin?" You poke his back. 

He wakes up and turns around, "hey baby." 

"Do you really mean it?" 

"Mean what? Wait you heard me?" 

"I heard everything." 

Justin stays quiet. 

"So do you really mean it?" 

"Of course I do."

You and Justin just stare at each other for a few minutes.



"I...I love you." 

Justin rushes to kiss you passionately. He pulls away and looks into your eyes. 

"No lie, I'm really scared though." 


"I don't really know babe. But I know we can get through this together."

He puts his hand on your stomach and lifts up your shirt.

"My mom is going to come tomorrow. I'm going to tell her. And then I'm going to tell my fans after." 

"I hope they don't leave you." 

"If they do, at least I'll have you."

You and Justin spend the rest of the day on the bed and be silly. You take a million pictures but there is one picture in particular that stands out. You are laying down and Justin is kissing your stomach.

"You should use this picture to tell your fans." 

"I should huh?" He smiles at you and gives you a quick kiss.

Alfredo quickly runs into the room. "Did you see TMZ?" 

"No why?"

He runs and gives Justin his phone. Justin reads the headline "JUSTIN BIEBER TAKES GIRLFRIEND TO HOSPITAL FOR PREGNANCY TEST."

"Fuckin shit!" He gives Alfredo his phone back. 

"Babe, calm down." 

"No. They ruined it. My fans. They aren't going to trust me." 

"Don't say that." 

"It's true."

He gets his phone and opens twitter. He tweets and puts it back into his pocket.

"Justin, what did you do?" 


"Alfredo can you give me and (yn) some privacy." 

"Sure thing bro." He leaves and justin looks at you 

"I just tweeted "if you love me you wouldn't leave me." 

"But there has to be a reason why you put that?" 

"I just don't wanna loose my fans." 

"You're not going to." 

"How do you know." 

"I just know. Now lets go eat and have a good nights rest. We had a long day today."

You get out of bed and reach for Justin's hand. He gets out of bed and takes you to the kitchen.

"What do you wanna eat?" Justin looks through the fridge. 

"Let's make spaghetti." 


Justin grabs everything that you will need. You get a pot and full it up with water. You heat it up and out the noodles in. You are about to make the sauce when Justin grabs you and hugs you. He picks you up and sits you on the kitchen counter. He kisses you softly on your lips.

"I'm sorry." 

"For what, Justin?" You look at Justin worried.

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