The Mistake You Can't Erase Ch. 18

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Chapter 18

Justin follows the doctor to your room. He quickly rushes to your side.

"Hey babe. How are you feeling?" 

"I feel good." 

The doctor interrupts, "everything looks good. And there's something that you guys really need to know."

You and Justin look at each other and then back at the doctor "what?" 

"It looks like you are pregnant but..." He takes a long pause 

"But what doctor." Justin says. 

"You are going to have twins." 

"Twins?" Justin's voice cracks. 

"That's right." He slowly steps out of the room, "congratulations." 

"Thank you doctor." You softly say

You look over at Justin. He looks over at you and gets teary eyed. He grabs your hand and places it on his heart.

"We are going to be parents.!" He says to you and begins to cry. 

You grab the side of his face, "don't cry." 

He cries even more. "I'm just happy baby."

The nurse comes in and says you are free to go. Justin helps you out of bed and holds your hand as you walk out. You get in the car and go back to the house. Scooter is outside waiting for you to come back. Justin gets out and helps you out of the car since you feel weak. Scooter runs up and help Justin bring you inside. You all sit on the couch as Alfredo and Kenny join you.

"So what happened at the hospital?" Scooter says 

Justin reaches over and grabs your hand, he look at you and then to Scooter, "she is pregnant. Really pregnant!" 

"What do you mean.?" 

"We are going to have twins." 

"Your kidding. Right?" 

"No I'm not." He hands Scooter the paper work from the hospital. 

Scooter scans the paperwork and sees that he isn't lying. "Wow. I mean congrats man." 

"Thanks. Now don't tell my mom. I want to tell her when she comes down tomorrow with my grandparents. & let's try to keep this away from the press till I tell my mom." 

"Alright man." 

"If you excuse me, I'm going to lay down." You kiss justin on the cheek and leave the room. 

"I'll be right up." Justin says from a distance. 

"You think you can handle two kids?" Scooter says seriously. 

"I think so." 

He stays quiet 

"You think I'm going to just leave her....I'm not going too. She isn't Selena." Justin raises his voice 

"I wasn't comparing her to Selena." 

"We all know that you wanted me to stay with her. But I couldn't. I wanted to but I wanted to be myself. And I can finally be that with (yn)." 

Scooter stands up and walks over to Justin. "Justin."

"What man.?" 

"I'm happy for you." 

Justin begins to cry. "I'm scared" 

"We all are. But you aren't going to do this alone. We are here for you. And (yn)" 

"I'm going upstairs." He quickly leaves the room and goes upstairs to find you asleep on the bed. He lays down next to you and begins to talk.

He wraps his arms around your waist and whispers in your ear. "What a crazy day. I can't believe we are going to be parents. I'm really happy." He voice begins to crack and tears begins to fall. "I know you probably can't hear me, I mean your asleep. But I need to say this right now," he wipes his eyes and brings your body closer. He clears his throat "I...I am...I am starting to fall love with you." He kisses your cheek.

He rolls over and falls asleep not knowing that you were awake the entire time he was talking

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