The Mistake You Can't Erase Ch. 63

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Chapter 63

You are one week away from your due date. You are putting away baby clothes and toys away when you get a sharp pain. You sit down hoping that it will go away. Justin is downstairs talking to Scooter about a new album. You get up from the chair and finish putting stuff away. The pain goes away and you go downstairs. You join Justin and Scooter. After awhile you get up and go to the kitchen. Your cravings are stronger then ever. You are about get a water from the fridge when you feel something run down your leg and you hear water hit the floor.

"JUSTIN!!!" You yell.

Justin jumps up from the couch and runs to the kitchen.

"What's wrong.!?" 

"My water just broke.!"

Justin freaks out and calls Scooter. He runs into the kitchen.

"Did her water just brake?" Scooter says. 

"Yeah!" Justin says. 

"Well don't just stand there. Go to the hospital!"

Justin rushes upstairs and grabs your bag that you packed. He grabs his phone and puts it in his pocket. He gets your phone and puts in the bag. Scooter helps you to the car and waits for Justin.

"I'll see you guys at the hospital." 

"Alright man."

Justin rushes to the hospital and takes you inside.

"Help! Her water broke.!"

Nurses rush and put you in a wheelchair. Your contractions are beginning to kick in and they feel like hell. Justin follows you into the room and you lay down in the bed. You feel like you are going to die.


We waited in the room. I sat next to the bed and held her hand. I pulled out my phone and started to record a video.

"Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know that we are at the hospital. It is umm time! I'll keep you guys updated."

I began to take photos to make her laugh and get her mind off of the contractions. I felt so helpless.

About an hour later a nurse came in to see how dilated she was.

"You are already 6 cm.!" 

"Thank you." She said weakly

The nurse left the room and I called my mom.

"Hey mom!" 

"Hey sweetie.!" 

"We are at the hospital right now." 

"Is it already time?" 


"I'll be there as soon as I can." 

"Okay mom." 

"I love you. Be strong." 

"I love you too mom."

I hung up the phone. And walked back to sit down. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard. I felt like she was going to break my hand.

"Oww.!" I screamed 

"I'm sorry." She looked over at me. 

"It's okay baby." I leaned over and kissed her.

Hours passed and I was getting knots into my stomach. I almost felt like throwing up. A nurse came in and to check everything.

"You are 10 cm. are you ready.?" 

"I am more then ready!" She yelled

I laughed and the nurse went to go get the doctor. He walked in and sat down on a chair.

"Ready to push?" 


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