Escape {1}

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You held your side, wincing at the continuous pain. You cried out as your father yet again kicked your side, "Worthless! Useless!" He yelled. The scent of alcohol lingered in his breath... It made your stomach churn violently once you hit the ground and cradled yourself. You didn't dare to make any sound, afraid he would hit you yet again.

The sound of footsteps told you that he had left your room. That's it. You had enough, you were running away. Even if you had no where to go you were going to just run and never look back. Reaching into your closet you grabbed the backpack you previously packed, you had been planning this for a long time to gain enough courage.

A sharp yelp from the hallway and grunt from your father told you that you needed to grab the most important thing of all. Your dog Ivy. She was a small red-nose pitbull, the kind of breed that is said to kill humans. What a lie... Ivy cowered before all humans other than you.

The dog whimpers and limps into your room. Her tail is faintly wagging at the sight of you and you notice the dog is smiling (don't believe me? Look it up. I've seen pitbulls smile). She must be happy to see you. That was enough to lift your hopes up, you'd be saving her from this abusive lifestyle just like yourself. This causes you to smile back and hug her when she is close enough.

You look towards the door of your room and see the backdoor of the house. That was going to be your exit. With a deep breath you rise to your feet and signal for Ivy to follow, she complies and you peer out of the room to see your father sitting in the living room, facing away from you. Ivy keeps completely silent and you look down at her with a firm nod.

A sudden jolt of adrenaline fuels you and you lunge to the door, swiftly unlocking it and swinging it open, "Run Ivy, run!" You shriek and run after your four-legged friend. There was no point in keeping quiet because as soon as the door opened it squeaked. The man rose from his seat and darted after you, "(Y/N)!" The angry voice snarled as you made your way out of the house swiftly.

You didn't look back. You kept running and running. Ivy slowed down so you'd be able to catch up, she didn't want to be alone after all, and she was concerned.

It felt like hours of running... Your back was sore as your backpack continuously rubbed against your clothed back, giving you some rug-burn.


It had been two hours since you ran away.

And you were still running, that was until you ran into a very populated city. You clipped a leash onto your dog and ran into an alley with her quietly.

You both panted as you sat down on the ground. This was so overwhelming... You began to sob and Ivy curled into your lap. Being a teenager was already pretty stressful, not to mention being abused after your mother passed on...

Petting the animal appeared to soothe your sobs. The thoughts of how you would get money started to cloud your thoughts. With a sigh you stroked the dogs ears.

"Come on, Ivy." You pat the dog, "Let's go grab some food." You smiled as she wagged her tail. You had managed to snag some of your father's money he had laying around from previous poker games with friends.

You had a good hundred dollars.

The two of you strolled into a small bar/restaurant. You were surprised to see a monster was the bartender. You hummed quietly and made your way to the bartender, "Uh e-excuse me... Could I have uh..." You look at the menu, "Two burgers and a large fry to go...?" You sheepishly asked.

The fire monster nods and leaves, only to soon return with the stuff you requested. You smile softly and he nods. You handed over the money, but he holds up a hand in objection.

You give a confused look.

Grillbz' POV

She was bruised. Her eyes were red, probably from crying... And her clothes were a bit worn.

From what I have witnessed in this cruel world, I could tell she was beaten; more than once. I couldn't accept her money... She probably needed it.

She seemed confused.

Such a young girl... And she had already seen so much. I couldn't help it. I couldn't take her money.

Normal POV

You take the money back and the inferno man appears to be contented. You smile faintly again and he appears to look happy that he made you smile, "Thank you..." You whisper and he nods.

Ivy wiggled at your feet until you exited the bar.

Once outside you began walking until you heard footsteps, they sounded like they were following you. You sped up, but so did the footsteps.

Ivy suddenly barked loudly and you were shoved into an alley harshly. You could hear a chuckle of some sort. It was a man.

"What's a fine lady like you doing out here all alone...?" He mumbles. He had you pinned to the brick wall, hands at each side of your head.

"P-please leave me alone..." You whisper meekly.

He chuckles at your plea, "It's like you're asking for trouble, sweetheart..." He mumbles and lets his hands wander.

You quiver and shift uneasily before shrieking, "Ivy!!"

Ivy barked once more and lunged at the man.

He kicked the dog away and covered your mouth roughly, "Keep quiet you little whore." He growled.

You bit down on his hand and he savagely slapped you in return.

Ivy yet again lunged at the man, successfully landing a blow. But you were shocked when her mouth had a yellow aura around it. She suddenly lifted up the man and chucked him like a ragdoll. You were stunned! She was tiny! How was that possible!?

Another flash of yellow and you went unconscious, but before you fell into your slumber you heard a voice.

"Humans are sick..."

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