Taunt taunt {32}

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Benjamin's POV

"I am not a toy!" I screamed, reaching out for the jar, "Are you in on this too!?" I yelled at Zerack. I was trying not to yell at him, because it looked like he was about to burst into tears any second, but he wouldn't hand the jar over.

"Benjamin! I can't! I don't want you to get in trouble!" Zerack whined while pulling the jar containing the blue soul away from me.

Damn. He was strong for a skeleton... I let go and frowned faintly, "You don't understand!" I yelled and he sighed in response. "I might not, but look... If you let the soul--"

"Her name is Annie!" I screamed, refusing to let my tears run down my face. I've been crying too much lately...

"Okay! If you let Annie out of the jar... Then Gaster's gonna get really mad. I-I don't want him to get mad." Zerack started to look around frantically. He quickly set Ann back on the shelf and let his hands fly to his head, "I-I can't! I can't!" He shrieked, "He'll kill him! I know it!"

My angered expression quickly faded and I rushed to Zerack, pulling him into a hug. He was taller than me, so I couldn't pull him into a full hug, "Zerack, it's okay." I whispered, "It's okay. Look... I won't let Gaster kill him, alright?"

Zerack gradually began to calm down. He then nodded subtly and began to mumble, "Thank you.. Gaster's just capable of so much... I can't risk it. Even if Dover's not in the lab with us, I can't risk it. He's already threatened to hurt him."

"It'll be alright." I mumbled and glanced over towards the blue soul, "I won't let him hurt anyone."


Back to your POV

You were seated in class. Everything was silent, mainly because you were early for class, so none of the loud kids had gotten there yet...

However Obi came in earlier than normal. Ever since he enrolled into the school, he became quite the lady's man. Tons of girls were asking if he was single, flirting with him, and finding it hard to believe that he wasn't interested in them.

"Hey... I heard about what happened." He sits down next to you and gives a weak smile, "With Annie..." He whispers and glances down, "You didn't answer any of my texts, so I got worried."

You nod slowly. Your gaze remains on the table. Ivy was awfully quiet as well.

Obi let out a sigh and scooted closer to you, "At least she's in a better place, right?" He hums quietly and you nod again.

You let out a small sigh and look around, waiting for Benjamin to walk into the class. You doubted that she would... You just hoped that she was doing alright... Perhaps you'd get a chance to ask her about Gaster?

(timeskip because I'm really tired)

You couldn't find Benjamin. She was there... You had seen her around a few times, but she wasn't in class, and you could never find her when you looked.

That was until now.

"Dude look! This chick is cussing Angelo out!" A boy screamed in excitement. You quickly looked towards the door. That name... You recognized it... Benjamin's ex boyfriend. That's who it was.

Just great. He's messing with a girl... You sigh and stand up, pointing at Ivy to stay put. The last hour had just ended and you were packing up, but you were intrigued to see what was going on. And sure enough when you got out of the room you got a good look of who the people were.

Angelo and Benjamin.

You stared at Benjamin and then at Angelo. He was tall! What if he hurt her!?

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