Darkness, brought to you by void dad {23}

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Darkness.. That's all you could see.

And Ivy as well. The dog was walking next to you. This dream was so vivid... It seemed so real! You continued to walk through the dark void, feeling some fear rush down your back. A part of you began to regret your steps, but you couldn't halt yourself. Ivy seemed to be intrigued as well.

But what was there to be interested about...?





You jolted backwards at the words. The voice was laced with a horrid sound that was indescribable. Your hands flew to your ears and Ivy snarled loudly with a few whines. She disapproved of the sound just as much as you did... But what was it talking about?

Finally the sound subsided after what seemed like forever, but the relief was short lived. A figure suddenly flickered in the distance. You squinted, making out the features of a face with two large cracks. Much like Sans...

"Sans?" You called quietly and the figure snickered, "How cute. You humans sure are--"

Your eyes flew open and you let out a shriek at the sight of the same face. It was only inches away from yours.

"I N T E R E S T I N G." The figure suddenly vanished, leaving you to shiver under your blankets. You quivered a few times and sniffled. You had stared into the empty black eye sockets, and you felt as if your biggest fear had come to life.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" Sans asks before peering into the room. He quickly notices your shocked look and he rushes in, "Hey, hey, what happened?"

You shook your head a bit, "I-I don't know... There was this.. thing. I thought it was you, but it wasn't. It was just here!" You glanced around the room to double check if it was still there.

Sans tried to fight the urge to question you about it. He had a good hunch about who it was... But he was keeping it to himself for now. He wasn't too sure if this was putting you in danger, and if it was, then the best is to keep it from you. To hide you from the danger... That was a good plan, right?

Ivy grumbled in agreement. Her fur was prickly from being startled suddenly and so vividly.

Sans sat next to you, wrapping an arm around you for comfort, "Hey, hey. It's alright... It was just a nightmare."

"No... that wasn't a nightmare... It was here!" You pointed at your lap and Sans seemed angry now.

"What?" He hissed quietly and furrowed his eyebrows, glancing towards your lap.

You glared a bit, "Not like that!" You whispered and pushed his face away to divert his gaze, "It was just there! It called me interesting... I know it wasn't just a nightmare..."

Sans' face turned a faint yellow as you touched him and he sighed, "Sorry. I think the worst in everything..." He mumbles and pulls you closer into a side hug, "(Y/N).. You're shaking..."

"I-I'm sorry... You can go back to bed... I'm just seeing things..." You whispered to him. In full honesty, you wanted him to stay. Ivy and you were both a bit... Chilled to the bone. One might even say you were.. Spooked (okay i'll stop), "I'll be fine... I just felt unsafe for a moment."

Sans suddenly wrapped his free arm around your waist and scooted you over. He laid next to you and retracted his arms back to his personal space. Don't you just love how he does that without permission, reader-chan? (*SMASHES THE FOURTH WALL*)

You stared at him for a few in a flustered state. He quietly chuckles upon seeing your reaction to his gesture, "What?"

"You don't have to stay in here..." You mumbled and Sans shook his head in disagreement. "It's my job to take care of you, and if you don't feel safe then I want to stay by you until you do."

You feel your face heat up slightly and you glance away, "Sans...?"

"Yeah?" Sans hums lowly. His attention is on you. You're well aware of it too, because he's ignoring the glares Ivy is giving him.

"You... Said you didn't like humans." You mumbled and sighed, "But you're so nice to me... Why? I don't get it."

Sans sighed and laid on his back, looking up at the ceiling, "(Y/N)..." He sighs with a weak chuckle, "I know what I said and all, but... You're different. A good different. I mean... You're so kind and sweet. Like Benjamin had said, you put up with so much and you're still nice." He mumbles and looks over at you, "And when you told me what had happened... I knew that I couldn't look down on you and mock you for being an innocent human. I just felt so bad that I--"

"Sans. If this is pity then please stop." You suddenly interrupt him.

Sans looks over at you and stares, "Pity...? I... I do pity you, but it's not just pity (Y/N). D-don't cry." He sighs in a breathless tone.

"Sans, if you're just pitying me then I don't want to be here." You quiver, "It's nothing against you, but I just can't stand knowing the fact that I'm here is simply because I'm a victim of," Your voice began to cave in on itself and you nearly choked on your words, "a-abuse. I-I don't want to be k-known like that..! I don't want to be seen as a helpless little girl who was hit and yelled at too much!"

Sans quickly wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a hug, "Shh.. (Y/N)... That's not why I'm letting you stay." He whispers as you sob into the fluff of his jacket, "I'm letting you stay because I want you to have another chance. Y'know.. At life. It's an act of pity, yes, but... It's mercy too. You deserve so much more than being consoled because of that one reason. The look in your eyes when you talk about yourself... You're broken. I can see it and you can't hide it. You need more than a hug or bandage. You need someone to show you that they care about you, and I know that Ivy cares about you, and Benjamin does... Papyrus and sans do as well. Even Asriel and Frisk. Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton, Toriel, Asgore... They all ask how you're doing. They pity you, but they understand and they want to help you feel better. It's more than pity."

You shivered again as you listened to him. You suddenly recalled being bullied before your abuse became the issue... He was right. You were broken... "W-well. You shouldn't worry about me. Something that is broken too many times can't be fixed..." You let out a weak chuckle, "We can always try to act as if it never happened, but when you're broken... You're broken. There isn't much you can do about--"

"You're wrong." Sans sets a hand on the side of your face and gives you a warm smile, "(Y/N)... You may be broken, and you might think that you can't be fixed, but I can prove you wrong." He sighs, "You should know by now that I'm stubborn..." You both chuckle faintly and he wipes away some of your tears

"Sans, that's nice of you to say, but you shouldn't devote that kind of attention to me." You insist quietly, "It feels like pity."

"It's more than pity. It's way better than pity, (Y/N)." Sans shakes his head a bit.

You were in a state of negativity... How did you know he wasn't lying? What if he turned around and used you? What if he was lying...? "You should just give up now... You'll never fix the pieces... They're too small."

"I like a challenge." Sans insists with a grin. It was obvious he was quite determined to do what he said. Before you could use another excuse, he pulled you into another hug and whispered,

"I'm not going to give up on fixing you..."

I will now flee into the depths of hell, byebye <3
O and by the way
THANKS FOR 14+k reads!!! <3)

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