Screaming solves everything, right? {20}

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As soon as you walked through that door your giggling with Benjamin was halted as Sans practically slammed you against the wall, glaring you down. You nearly screamed, but he backed off, "Where the hell were you?" He hissed and looked you up and down, making sure there wasn't anything to be suspicious about.

Ivy let out a surprised bark and snarled at Sans until he backed off slightly.

"I was walking home..." You whispered, feeling quite embarrassed that Sans was scolding you right in front of Benjamin.

"I told you to be home at a certain time. Why didn't you listen?" His voice begins to rise, "Do you have any idea how worried I was!?" He shouts, forgetting that you had a huge phobia of being yelled at.

Benjamin must have been afraid of yelling as well because you noticed her flinch and shift uneasily in her spot. Sans continued to yell and scold you, and you began to feel guilty as you felt the tears run down your face, "I-I'm sorry..!" You nearly choked on your words, trying to refrain from sobbing in front of Benjamin. You were embarrassed enough and you didn't want her to think that you were a cry baby or something.

"Sorry doesn't cut it all the time (Y/N)! What if--" His words were cut short as Benjamin threw a pillow at him. Aww. How passive.

Sans glared over at the girl and his posture became more intimidating, "Stop." Benjamin mumbled under her breath and glanced around nervously as he began to approach her, "Listen here," Sans growled as he neared her, "this is my house. I suggest you leave if you're gonna be like that..."

Benjamin suddenly shared an equal glare and straightened her posture, "W-well. She's MY friend! And I suggest you apologize if you're gonna be a dickhead like that!" She snapped as her breathing increased suddenly. You stared at the two and Sans appeared to look extremely pissed now.

"You better watch your mouth when you're around me. I don't appreciate your attitude and what's it to you? You're just another sick human!" Sans snarled and Benjamin only balled her fists in anger, "I don't appreciate YOUR attitude!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, "And just because I'm human doesn't mean shit!" She yells loudly and you notice some tears run down her face, "But at least we humans know when someone is hurting by our actions! Learn some body language and back the fuck down if she's crying! She's already had enough!! It's amazing how she can put up with you and your bullshit!! And I don't like you taking advantage of her sweet personality and the way she treats you! She doesn't scream at you like you do and she doesn't constantly badger you about anything! If you're going to let her live here in hopes of a second chance at life, then act like a caretaker and not a prison guard!!" Benjamin finished her rant and inhaled sharply, only to slow her breathing to a moderate pace.

Ivy was glaring at Sans the entire time, growling softly. Her teeth slowly began to show as he spoke.

Sans grunted a bit and backed a few steps away from Benjamin. He didn't say anything else to her, but he only turned to you and sighed, "(Y/N)... I'm sorry." He mumbled sincerely. He truly was sorry and Benjamin's words only made him realize how much of a douche-bag he really was towards you.

"I-it's fine..." You whispered and walked over towards Benjamin. You held your arms out and gave her a hug. She let out a shaky sigh, "I'm sorry (Y/N).." She murmured and you pat her back a little, "It's okay.. Don't be sorry.." You whispered and pulled away from the hug, giving her a reassuring smile. Benjamin tried to smile back without quivering.

Sans looked at the ground, frowning at himself for his behavior. You turned around and looked at him, "H-hey.. Me and Benjamin have some work to do.. Can.. She stay the night..?" You whispered, "Is that okay with you?" He looked towards you, glancing at you and then Benjamin and then back to you, "Yeah... Go ahead, kid." He mumbles and you usher Benjamin to your room. After she went in you held up you index finger, indicating you needed a minute. She nodded in response and Ivy bounded towards her happily.

You quickly rushed back out into the living room, only to see Sans sitting on the couch with a bottle in his hand. He was staring at the blank TV warily. You sighed and sat next to him, "Sans." You called and took the bottle of beer away from him, gaining his attention.

"Mm..?" He mumbles.

"I'm sorry for being late." You whispered and looked down at your lap. Sans suddenly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug, "I'm sorry for yelling and all (Y/N), but I just.. I got worried and I didn't know what to do. I can't stand the idea of you getting hurt or me losing you..." It sounded like he was speaking like he had already lost someone dear to him. Did he?

"I'm not going anywhere, Sans." You whispered and hugged him back, "I promise, alright?"

Sans lets out a small chuckle, "Promise to keep that promise?" He questions quietly and you nod, "Of course. I promise." You pull away from the hug and smile at him weakly. He returns it with a small grin, "Alright. You should go get to bed or something, because I've got something planned tomorrow and yes, Benjamin can come if she wants."

You grin a bit and go to walk away, but halt next to him. He looks up at you in confusion and you bend down, giving him a friendly (//snorts// lol, friend-zoned), light kiss on his cheek, "Night Sans." You waved a little and walked back to your room, leaving him there to stare at the cushion of the couch. His face slowly turned a yellow and he let out a weak chuckle, leaning back against the arm of the chair in silence.

(Ayeee aye

So, the next chapter, I'm gonna have y'all meet some new peoples ouo... Pretty sure it'll be great

Or maybe not...

Do you smell that?
Smells like friendship--


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