Here comes Napstablook {27}

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You were laying on your back, sprawled out on the floor, gazing up at the ceiling in silence. Ivy, Benjamin and the small ghost were all laying next to you, joining in on this 'family tradition' the ghost had.

Feeling like trash after a great meal.

It wasn't like a roller coaster ride, but it was fun. It had given you time to think over a lot of things... But somehow your thoughts switched over to Obi and then Sans and then a few other people.

After a few more minutes, you and Benjamin sat up and the ghost followed suit, "that was nice..." He whispered. His voice was so precious! It made look even more cute! His voice was a hushed whisper, but once in awhile it sounded like many hushed whispers when he spoke.

"It was." You nodded in agreement and noticed Ivy still laying down, quite content with 'feeling like trash'. How cute. She seemed to love everybody that you met. She especially liked Grillby, mainly because he gave her food and was also very warm.

"Napstablook," Benjamin looked at the ghost who was simply hovering in place, gazing at the ground. He suddenly looked towards her as she called his name, "do you want to come to a party with me and (Y/N) this weekend?" She asked and he looked back at the ground.

"ohhhhhh...." He whispered, "i'd probably just get in the way....." He murmured and Benjamin shook her head in reassurance, "i'd probably ramble on...."

"That's okay, I won't mind." Benjamin smiled at him and he let out a small sigh. "okay... i'll go..."

"Cool." Benjamin grinned a bit and looked towards you, "(Y/N) and Ivy will be there too." She added in and got to her feet, looking down at the small ghost.

Napstablook floated over to his computer and stared at it for a moment before speaking, "would you like to hear what i'm working on....?" He mumbled, but didn't expect you two to accept his request.

"Sure." You and Benjamin both walked over to him and looked at the screen, waiting for him to show you. The cursor clicked on a play button and music began to play. It was like a mix of soft, soothing music, but had a hint of small dubstep in it. Soon enough the beat quickened at the appropriate time and didn't have too many sound effects to the point where it was simply just noise.

Once it was finished you smiled at him and complimented, "That's really good! I liked it a lot." The ghost turned slightly transparent and glanced away, "ohhh... thank you..."

Benjamin nodded in agreement, "Yeah, Napstablook's really good at making songs. He's created quite a few."

Napstablook looked out the window with another ohh... and looked back, "it's going to start raining... you should hurry home...."

"Yeah, let's get going." Benjamin walked over to Napstablook and crouched down to his height with a soft smile, "See you later." She opened her arms and let them hover around him as a hug. Napstablook appeared to enjoy the gesture, but still looked naturally sad. No wonder the two got along so well.

You and Benjamin waved goodbye and Ivy circled around Napstablook happily before trotting towards the door. The three of you left and hurried home.

"Are you going to stay over at my house for a little bit or are you heading home?" You asked and Benjamin shook her head in response. "No, I have some stuff to do." She answered. You could sense something in her voice... "What are you doing?" You asked. You hated to sound pushy, but you were curious.

"Uhh.." Benjamin let out a soft chuckle, "I'm going to do something with Ann." Oooh! She was going to hang out with her crush!

You smiled a little, "Oh okay."

"We'll probably go over to her house. She needed some help with an assignment, so I offered to help her." Benjamin explained with a shrug. She seemed pretty happy to be going to see Ann. Her real name was Annie, but Benjamin called her Ann. The two had gotten more close and you heard that they were friends ever since the two were in kindergarten. Ann had recently moved back to NYC, so the two became closer friends.

You both walked in silence for a while, but the familiar house came into view.

"Hey Ben." You looked at the girl and she hummed in acknowledgment, "Why did Ann move away? I'm just curious. A lot of people say they would never want to move out of New York."

Just when the time was appropriate, it began to drizzle, giving off a soft, sad vibe

Benjamin's posture fell a bit and she glanced away to the side, putting her hands in her pockets. It seemed that the memory was pretty sensitive to recall, based on her behavior change.

"Ann... Was bullied a lot. Eventually she ended up becoming so stressed about it to the point where her parents moved away..." Benjamin murmured and you frowned faintly. "I'm sorry, Benjamin. I didn't mean to bring that up.." The way her voice sounded made it seem like there was more to it than bullying.

"It's alright." Benjamin gave a small smile, "I'm just happy that she's here."

You tried to smile back. Ivy snuffled towards Benjamin, sensing her negative attitude. Benjamin waved with a goodbye and you did the same before both of you went your separate ways.


You were laying in bed quietly after dinner. Sans wasn't home right now. sans and Papyrus had said he was over at Alphys' doing something. You didn't bother asking, because that was his business and based on Alphys' intelligence, you were sure that you wouldn't be able to understand what they were doing.

They mentioned that it was an experiment for something, so you didn't bother asking what for.

However... Papyrus couldn't stop talking about hair, and sans began talking about how he'd be far more lazy than Benjamin could ever be if they finished the experiment successfully.

You weren't concerned as to what they were talking about at the time..

You were focused on Benjamin. Something felt off... Like something bad was going to happen, and it involved Benjamin... But mainly her feelings and emotions. It made you feel a bit sick to your stomach, but you fell asleep anyways.

Only to be greeted by that face...

(The bad will be in the time
sorry for writing a short chapter |D)

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