This needs to stop {51}

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"Levi! What happened!?" You screamed. Sans was now standing next to you, eyeing the phone as he heard the yelling on the other line.

Before the line went dead you heard Levi yell again, but this time you didn't yell for Levi to tell you what happened. Instead you dropped the phone and felt your heart drop.

Levi's words were glued to your mind and continued to replay in your mind, echoing continuously and non stop.

"Obi could die because of him!"


The constant beeping of the heart monitor told you that Obi was still alive... You didn't know whether to be worried or happy.

"It's been confirmed, (Y/N)," Benjamin says as she walks into the room. She sighs and sits down next to you. Her posture falls, but she seems happy, "he'll live. They said he just has a few broken bones and he'll be in a coma for a bit. Either than that he'll be fine." She smiled towards you, "I'm really sorry about this..."

"It's alright, you didn't do anything." You mumble, continuing to watch the heart monitor. Everything else was silent. Time began to pass fairly quickly, leaving you and Benjamin in a eerie, yet comfortable silence as you checked to make sure Obi was still breathing. After a few more moments Benjamin got up and left the room. A minute or so had passed and you heard a faint clatter of chairs and rushing footsteps.

"Keep your hands off of her!" A voice that more than likely belonged to Sans yelled. You quickly rushed to the door and raced into the almost empty waiting room.

"I didn't!!" Zerack wailed, hiding behind a slightly... Flustered Ossis? "B-ben! You saw it, didn't ya!?" He turned towards Benjamin who was glaring Phoebe down.

"Don't touch him again," Benjamin warned Phoebe. Her fists balled up and she looked infuriated, "And no Sans, Zerack did not touch her... He's not a pig."

"I-I wouldn't do that... I promise..." Zerack whispered, peering from behind Ossis' shoulder slightly. He felt like Sans wouldn't believe him, considering he was pretty curious about the human body. But he would never go to that extent.

Sans looked far from convinced. He glared at both Zerack and Ossis. Ossis was the only one preventing him from getting to Zerack.

"Sans, what's going on?" You asked quietly, gaining everyone's attention. Even Phoebe looked over at you. The way her expression changed told you that she was up to no good, but the scowl went as quickly as it came.

"Sans is just being an ass again, don't worry about it." Ossis grumbled.

"Zerack's just being a perv!" Sans retorted, looking towards you, "He touched Phoebe!" His voice was raised, but he made sure to tone it down so he didn't yell at you.

"I didn't," Zerack insisted, he looked towards you and waited for your input.

"I--" You were cut short when Ossis put his opinion in front of yours.

"Phoebe's being a slut!" He blurted, growing more and more irritated, "Zerack told you to stop!" He yelled, "You kept touching him even though he constantly told you to stop! He even asked nicely!"

"Ossis please... Calm down, you're gonna scare (Y/N)." Zerack whispered, lightly tapping his friend's shoulder.

Phoebe stared up at Ossis in false horror, but behind that fake face you could've sworn you saw some real fear of Ossis.

"Shut up!" Sans snapped, "Don't talk to her like that!"

Levi groaned from his chair. He was growing more and more irritated, "I just got here and I'm already pissed! Stop it, both of you!"

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