Be Aware {55}

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She smiles back and her hazel eyes seem to stand out more with the smile. Phoebe brushes her sandy blonde bangs out of her face and her wings flex to get ready to fly when she leaves, "Thank you."

"You too." You nod. She walks to the door and opens it. Her wings stretch to fit through the door and she suddenly takes off into the air and is soon out of sight.

Leaving you there to wonder...

Who truly was Phoebe?


"How are you a human?" You bluntly asked at the door of Zerack's house. Ivy was at your side with a slightly annoyed look on her muzzle, waiting to go back home and sleep some more. Zerack on the other hand looked like he was just told Dover died.


"Sans." Came the quick answer from you. You walked in and watched him try to comprehend everything at once. He obviously recovered quickly due to his expression change. It scared you for a minute... It almost looked sinister.

"Eh-heh... I see. Well... I am half human because I fell in love with a human and she died... I took fragments of her soul, so I could try and bring her back as human with Gaster's help... Humans are strong and I needed to preserve her soul. If I took all of it, I would become an ungodly weapon and danger to the underground. However... I never got her back because Gaster hated humans..."

You slowly lowered yourself to the couch and sat down as you listened. Ivy simply jumped onto the couch and laid down, getting ready to fall asleep.

"Gaster killed the rest of her." Zerack sighed and shook his head. "I will never forgive him. Even though he was under control by Ch--" Zerack suddenly halted his speaking. He shook his head and chuckled quietly. "It's getting late, (Y/N). You should be gettin' home."

"Zerack, who is Ch?" You pried, wanting to know who this 'Ch' was. He was being awfully stubborn about it in your opinion.

Zerack sighed and sat down next to you. "I can't hide anythin' from you, can I?" He joked.

You shook your head. You knew that you wouldn't leave without an answer.

"Her name is Chara... Frisk's sister. She's... Mentally ill. She's very aggressive and dangerous. Right now she's in a mental hospital under great security. She possessed Gaster and killed my girlfriend. I just won't forgive Gaster because he let it happen... Y'know?"

"Yeah..." You whispered. You couldn't even imagine how that must have felt. He was probably in great pain like you were, refusing to tell anyone until now. Just like you...

"But there is another way to become human. You must get Alphys' help. She has the shifter experiment in process." Zerack changes the subject quickly to prevent this from becoming a sob story or a confession session.

"How?" You ask, growing interested. What would Sans look like as a human?

"It contains determination and other soul traits of humans that have passed on. Once consumed, your true soul trait will be awakened and you can shift into the opposite race." Zerack smiled, his fangs showing faintly.

"Sweet! I'll tell that to Sans, thanks so much Zerack." You grin, pulling him into a hug to show your gratitude. He responds quickly by hugging back. "By the way," you begin as you pull away, "did... you know about Phoebe..?"

"I did." He admits, glancing away for a few with another sigh. He seemed to be stressed by the topic, so you decided to get ready to leave by patting your lap and then Ivy.

"Oh, well... I'm sorry about that." Guilt about bringing it up overwhelmed you slowly and you stood up and Ivy followed you. As you made your way to the door Zerack stood up and started walking after you.

"(Y/N), becoming a human is dangerous for a monster." Zerack warns. "It can release their inner demons..."

You nodded firmly. "Got it. I'll be careful when I tell Sans."

"Please have a lot of caution with this... I don't shift unless it's a dire situation. It's not just for fun, okay?" The other gives the information with a hasty attitude.

"Got it." You reassured and turned to leave. Zerack watched you leave with regret.

Why did he tell you that...?

Zerack's POV

I watched her leave, regret filling my very being. No inch was without that sick feeling of guilt and some sin. Sans would use this as a toy and it's hard to control anything when you're a human who was naturally a monster.

I hurt people as a human... A savage beast. A TRUE monster...

I flinch as the memories came flooding back in a flashing manner. All of the horrible times came at once, flashing one by one through my head. Thankfully after a few minutes, I regained my strength and posture. I stood back up straight and let out a small sigh.

As a human I was dangerous.

Sans was right. I am a monster. I'm a embodiment of sin and the devil himself, aren't I?

(Y/N) may be an angel, but all humans have an inner monster.

That experiment will release it and you must gain control over it, or all hell will break lose. I have yet to gain mine... Ossis has contained his and so has Rogue, but I have not.

I remember that one night when I tried to kiss Ossis... I pinned him against the wall so hard he cringed in pain. I got so carried away, I felt a sick need to hurt him. Maybe even KILL him.

Humans are sick. I thought, tears welling up in my eye sockets.

I just hope that Sans can control it...

Because what if he hurt (Y/N) like I did Ossis?

What if it was worse?

(Sup. I'm back in the game and I've decided to try out the Wattys. Aha I ain't getting nowhere in there :) 

but thank you for all of the support, I appreciate it greatly. Thank you all so much <3) 

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