Party harty {18}

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(I'm running out of title names)

You were right about the party being loud and flashy. No literally. A majority of the girls hardly had any clothes on.

It was quite obvious that there were people from all around the area, seeing as how you didn't recognize a majority of the individuals. It was about seven-ish and the sun was beginning to go down, so that's when everyone got loud(er). Regardless of how many times you wanted to leave, you just couldn't. Asriel and Frisk seemed to be having fun, so you decided to stick around. Ivy was also having a blast. She ate the food people gave her and enjoyed the attention when she was pet.

Levi's house was... Bigger than you imagined it. He lived on the next to the ocean, so it was a good thirty minute drive to get there. It was a large beach-house, next to his regular house. Parties were going on in both households and you assumed that his parents weren't in town. Levi was obviously the rebellious type, and no one could argue with that. It was an opinion, not a fact.

You sigh and sit down on the couch, watching everyone suddenly flood outside after hearing Levi announce that everyone had left the beach, so they had it to themselves. Even Frisk and Asriel had left.

It suddenly occurred to you that Benjamin was missing. Ivy was sitting next to you, still gnawing on a piece of pizza someone had given her. You got up off of the couch and began to walk around the large beach-house. Where was she? Did she leave you all alone? She had come with, but now that you thought of it, she wasn't moving around much... Maybe she's hanging out with someone?

"S-stop." You hear Benjamin's voice whisper and you freeze in your steps. You peer around the corner to see one of Levi's friends messing with her. It was the dirty-blonde guy.

"That's adorable, but I appreciate begging... It'll show me that you're either in pain, or you're afraid. So c'mon honey." He purred and Benjamin shut her eyes tightly, "S-stop. I'm not gonna a-ask again..." Her hands were balled into fists and she had them in front of her chest, as if she were trying to refrain from hitting the boy.

You suddenly noticed his hands move towards her hips and chuckle darkly, "Aww c'mon babe..." He snickers and lowers his head to the crook of her neck.

"Angelo..!" Benjamin hissed quietly and tried to squirm away from his touch, but was pressed against the wall, "G-get away from me!"

You had enough.

"Ivy! Get him!" You shrieked and pointed at the boy.

Ivy snarled and barreled towards Angelo. The target whipped around and quickly jumped away from Ivy. He sent you a glare before darting down the hallway.

Benjamin let out a sigh and sunk to the ground, "O-oh god.. That was so embarrassing... I'm sorry (Y/N)." She apologizes. But why?

"Why?" You ask and walk over to her, "Who was that?"

"He's my ex boyfriend. I didn't mean to wander away.. Sorry." Benjamin sighs and looks over at Ivy, reaching out to pet her.

Ivy waddled towards Benjamin's hand and gladly let Ben pet her. She sat down and glanced up at you.

"What was going on?" You ask quietly, "You don't have to tell me though."

"He does that quite a bit. I broke up with him because..." Benjamin suddenly averts her gaze, "He cheated on me and he's... not the best person." She shudders a bit at the thought, but suddenly relaxes, "Thank you, (Y/N)."

You smile and sit next to her, "No problem. That's what friends are for, right?" You grin and she smiles back towards you. A real smile.

"Yeah." She nods a little and sighs, "So... Did you meet anyone new?"

"Nah." You shake your head, "Everyone here's too cool for me to talk to them."

"Yeah." Benjamin chuckles weakly, "True."

"I'm too cool to talk to?" A voice snickers and nears you. You both look up to see a male. He looked like a human, but the animal ears and tail said otherwise. He had purple hair and his wolf ears and tail matched the color. Two black bars were placed in the left ear and his eyes were a bright cyan color. Based on his expression, he appeared to be a flirtatious person.

Benjamin looks up at him and stares for a moment before looking back at you.

You look up at him and chuckle weakly, "W-well.."

"Nah." He shakes his head and suddenly sits down in front of the two of you while Ivy eyes him suspiciously, "So, what's your name pretty girl? Or can I just have to call you pretty girl?"

You nudge Benjamin a little and she scoffs quietly, "He's talking to you, (Y/N)." She whispers and the male chuckles, "(Y/N) huh? Just as pretty as you are." He looks at Benjamin and smiles, "And how about you?"


"Oohh. I've heard about you." He smirks and Benjamin looks down, "I wouldn't doubt it." She murmurs and looks towards you.

"So, what's your name?" You smile towards him and he chuckles lowly, "Maybe you'll find out. Here's my number." He hands over a piece of paper with a wink, "We should hang out sometime." After you take the paper he gets up and walks away from the two of you.

Benjamin chuckles at your slightly flushed face, "You like him, don't you?"

You scoff faintly, "N-no... I hardly know him."

Benjamin laughs quietly and pets Ivy, "Yeah. But something tells me that he's gonna wanna go on a date with you."

"Oh boy."

"But (Y/N)..." Benjamin murmurs and you look at her with a hum, "Just don't forget about me, okay?" She looks at you and smiles.

"I won't forget about you!" You gasp a bit and pull her into a hug, "I would never."

Benjamin hugs back and laughs again, "And another thing."

"What is it?" You ask quietly and pull away from the hug to look at her.

Benjamin grins and pats Ivy's head a little before looking at you again and speaking, "Good luck trying to get Sans to cooperate."

You looked down at your lap, "Oh... That's right..."

here comes the flirty boy

he is my baby. and that picture, yes i drew

don't worry, this is still a Gaster!Sans x reader, I promise |D
But since it's a slowburn, this stuff's gonna happen to make things more fun to read, hopefully :^) )

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