You're purple now {28}

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That face... It was just staring into your eyes, burning daggers into them intensely.

You couldn't muster any words and you looked around only to notice that Ivy was not with you this time.

"Wha--" You halted your noise of confusion as the creature moved. It's white pinpricks scanned you over in curiosity before backing off at the slightest. A forever grin plastered onto its face. Was it even happy? You only pondered for some time. It was cut short when a purple aura slashed through you, leaving you to shriek in surprise.

You felt yourself jolt backwards and meet the ground harshly. A sudden tightening sensation was constricting around something... But what was it? You continue to cringe and grip at your chest in a poor attempt to relieve it.

The figure continued to stare you down. It was saying something, but you couldn't figure out what... You were starting to black out. You felt as if your life was being drained from you, painfully slow. What was this thing doing to you? Your breath quickened violently as you felt the constricting action subside suddenly. This only left you to stare at the creature... Did he have a skull? That's what it appeared to be.

"Gaster!" A voice shrieked, "Stop! Zerack don't!" That voice was so familiar... Who was it? It sounded like a female.

You quickly looked towards the source of the voice to see the skeleton with green broken heart pinpricks thrust his arm forwards, sending a large skull towards the figure who towered over you. The large skull opened its maw and released a large green beam.

"Zerack stop!" You saw the feminine figure that was consumed by the shadows flee from them to reveal her features. She was running towards the skeleton who appeared to be protecting you.



You slowly opened your eyes, only to be greeted by a white room. Your breathing was slow and your chest hurt. You couldn't feel anything...

"What exactly happened? We've never seen anything like this." A female murmured. She sounded disgusted.

"I don't know! I've been telling you that for five days!" Sans screamed, "I came home and she was like this!" He yelled. He sounded furious and concerned at the same time. But what was he talking about?

More importantly, where were you?

"Right. You are a monster after all, I can't really expect much of you." The nurse scoffed, "You should be ashamed of yourself. Humans are far more intelligent than monsters, so it's no wonder you have no idea what happened."

You gritted your teeth a bit, growing angry with what the nurse was saying. You tried to think of some words to get her to stop, but Sans beat you to it.

"I'm pretty sure that I have more intelligence than you, Ms. Prick." Sans snapped and pointed a finger at her in anger, "I highly suggest you shut the hell up before I go and prove you wrong. You'd probably hate losing to me and losing your job in the same day, wouldn't you?"

"Get your hands away from me. I'm not sure if they had personal space down where you things came from, but we have rules here, you sick creature." The nurse spat, stomping her foot a little, "Now get out."

"Stop...!" You hissed quietly, fidgeting uneasily in the hospital bed. You let out a few whines from being in so much pain.

Ivy suddenly jolted up from your legs and wiggled next to you to get you to calm down. She let out a few snuffles to get your attention.

"Sweetie, please stop moving. You must stay still for no--" The nurse rushed to your side, reaching out, but you yelled in protest. "Stay away!" You yelled, "Sans...!" You whined, trying to get away from the nurse. You didn't like her one bit... She just gave off a snotty vibe and was rude to Sans, so she was officially on your shit list.

Sans quickly rushed to you, practically shoving the nurse out of the way. She nearly tipped over from the force he used to move her, "(Y/N)?" Sans whispered, "It's okay, I'm right here." He stood next to you. You stared up at him, breathing heavily and uneasily.

"W-where am I... What happened?" You sputtered nervously, shaking slightly, "I-I'm scared, Sans."

"Don't be scared." Sans crouched down so he was level with you. His soft smile made you feel more safe, knowing that he was there with you. And Ivy was still next to you, calming you down.

The nurse had left, mumbling some things under her breath. More than likely about Sans.

You inhaled slowly and shakily, "O-okay..." Your voice grew more quiet as you calmed yourself.

"We're at the hospital." Sans spoke quietly and softly, "What happened?" He asked with a small sigh, "You've been out for five days and had me worried sick. I-I thought I-- we were going to lose you... You've been stable, but I thought you would never wake up." He gradually gets more quiet with his words as he explained it, ending with another sigh, "They said it looked liked something had stabbed you.."

You recalled the nightmare and remembered how realistic is seemed... Maybe that had something to do with it? No. It couldn't. "I don't know..." You whispered and moved your hands to your chest where it hurt, making a subtle look in pain.

"Careful. I'm surprised you're moving... They said you were paralyzed." Sans murmurs, dragging a chair next to the bed to sit on, "As long as you start walking and showing signs of improvement, they'll let you go home."

The door suddenly opened and Obi walked in. He looked worried, just like the person behind him did.


Obi went to approach you, but Benjamin quickly shoved him out of the way to get to you first, "Oh my god, are you okay?" She asked, frantically looking around at the equipment before resting her gaze on you. She glanced at your hands, but quickly looked back at your face.

"I'm alright." You smiled weakly, "I'm starting to feel better. I can move and the pain is starting to subside." You explained in a breathless tone, "But my chest hurts."

Benjamin tried to give you a smile in return, but still looked worried, "Glad to hear that you're okay." She sighed, letting herself relax with your explanation on how you felt.

Obi crouched down, looking you over in worry. Sans was glaring subtly over at him. "(Y/N), are you alright? I've been trying to come and visit, but they wouldn't let me in." He shakes his head a little, "How are you?"

"I'm alright." You smile at him and he smiles back. You moved your hands back down next to you and sighed, "But I don't want to be here... I want to go home."

Obi set a hand on yours with a soft smile, "Don't worry, I'll stay here with you until you go home, alright?"

"Thanks." You chuckle quietly, taking no notice in Sans' change in behavior. He's currently glaring at the ground, occasionally frowning towards Obi.

(Jealous Jelly Skelly man

I might go hiatus for a bit ._.
I've been really stressed lately and today's turn of events are making me really angry... ;v;)

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