Assriel and Frisky {19}

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(The title is just no)

The rest of the party wasn't exciting for you. You weren't included in the 'fun' things people were doing, but you preferred to sit by Benjamin instead of get flirted with and try to get talked into a bedroom. Yeah.. You weren't that kind of person.

Benjamin seemed to show some interest in one person. You were tempted to tease her a little, but decided not to. She seemed quite infatuated with...


Yes, her. You recently discovered she was Panromantic. Not that it made you think differently of her (or maybe, idk). Either then so, everything was going just fine. Levi occasionally glanced your way, but averted his gaze every time you caught him. A part of you was intimidated, but the fact he was looking away so suddenly made you feel a little bit superior. But let's not get too cocky.

Another part was a little bit of curiosity. He didn't seem to be aggressive and rude like he was a while ago, but you decided to leave it be and not let your urge to find out get in the way of everything else.

Your mind then wandered to the boy that gave you his number. The fact that he didn't tell you his name... Was that a challenge? 'Maybe you'll find out', that part made you determined to find out, because it was going to kill you if you didn't know.

Hmm... He sure did have a way of getting what he wanted. It was obvious he wanted you to call him and personally speak to him... Then Benjamin's comment flashed into your head.

What if this boy did want to go on a date with you? You wouldn't think of it as a romantic type, considering you had just met him... And then there was Sans. You had to get past him somehow and find a way. Why were you so determined to get to meet this guy? He seemed to be nice and all, but you couldn't put your finger on it... Why was he so intriguing?

What if he was a danger, what if he was a new friend, what if he was your... soulmate...? No no. You shouldn't get ahead of yourself.

You quietly snicker and glance around the room from where you were sitting. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a yellow light flash, catching your attention. You snap your gaze towards it only to see nothing there.

Maybe it was just a mind thing, or maybe you were seeing things.

"Ayyyeee! (Y/N)!!" Frisk hollered and wobbled towards you. He looks intoxicated.

Pssht. Maybe he's seeing things, amiright?

Benjamin quickly tore her gaze away from the girl. They appeared to have been having a little conversation with body language and mouthing a few things. Sometimes they'd chuckle, but as soon as she looked away as Frisk stumbled over, the human took note and gave a drunken smirk, "Ahh, got some eye candy, eh?" Frisk snickered and Benjamin gave a passive aggressive glare.

You sigh and stand up, "Frisk... What happened?" Frisk quickly whipped towards you and grinned wide, "Ssssomeone. Ssspiked the juiiiccsse." He sputters slowly and Ivy glares up at him for drenching her with his drink that he accidentally spilled. You gave Ivy an apologetic look and shook your head at Frisk when he finished sputtering his words, "Where's Asriel?"

"More like ASSriel. He was all over the place and got a bit too cocky with a girl and challenged her to a twerking competition." Frisk doubled over laughing as he pulled out his phone to show you a video.

Benjamin couldn't help but snicker at the sight of the video. Asriel was screaming like a stereotypical white girl while Gas Pedal played in the background of the video. You assumed that Asriel got a hold of the spiked juice as well.

You smile a bit to hold back your laughter, but failed miserably. Ivy appeared to be judging Asriel as she stared at the phone while the video played. You watched the video and noticed the time and gasped, "I'm supposed to be home in ten minutes!" You clenched your teeth and sighed, "Sans' is gonna be so mad..."

"C'mon. Let's hurry up and go." Benjamin grabs your arm and drags you away as Ivy follows. Why was she in such a hurry for your sake?

As you stumbled to keep up with Benjamin you suddenly let your question slip, "So, who was that girl?"

Benjamin slowed down and walked next to you. She appeared to be flustered, "U-uh... Just someone." She shrugs and you grin, "Do you like her?" You ask, waiting for her answer. Benjamin looks at you with a pleading look, "J-just don't tell her... Don't tell anyone."

"I'm not gonna." You smile and Ivy jumps over to Benjamin's side, wagging her tail happily as she nudges the girl's leg. The walk was quiet, but it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence the three of you held as you walked. You were so contented at that moment you forgot that you needed to hurry home so Sans wouldn't get angry.

But considering the distance from the party and your house, you figured that you weren't going to get there on time anyways. Not unless you were a superhero of some sort, of course, but sadly you don't have any powers or special abilities.

Benjamin appeared to sadden as she noticed the house come into view. Sans didn't have a large house, but he didn't have a small one either. It consisted of at least five bedrooms. One for Sans, you, sans (classic and comes in a smol size indeed), Papyrus, and just an empty room. You assumed that it was just a guest room, but a part of you wondered if it once belonged to someone who lived there before.

Your thoughts were cut short as an idea popped into your head, "Hey Ben. Today's Friday, soo... Maybe you want to spend the night? We can finish the project for class too if you want. And maybe you can help me with my viola practice a little bit?" Now you were just coming up with excuses.

You had a strong feeling in your gut to make sure that Benjamin stayed with you and didn't go home. You had a negative feeling that something was going to happen if she was left alone to walk home.

And you didn't even ask yourself 'then why don't you just walk her home?' because Sans would throw a hissy fit, so getting her to spend the night was your best bet at the time, and you liked the idea anyways.

Benjamin looked over at you and smiled subtly, "Sure." That was her answer, but it seemed so plain... No "Let me call my parents" or "I'll have to ask"? That only made you more suspicious as to what went on at her house and in her life...

(I need some ideas for more chapters, hit me with 'em guys |D)

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