Nightmare {7}

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The rest of the day seemed... Normal.

It was odd in your opinion. Mostly because well.. This skeleton sort of kidnapped you? But now that you thought of it, you realized you were given multiple chances to run away from him, but you just never took the chance...

Did you want to stay? Or were you just afraid to leave him?

No. You weren't afraid. Okay that was a lie. He was a bit intimidating at times, but he could be nice as well. And like Frisk had said, he was just stressed out, so you tried to be nice in return. In hopes of making him more happy and possibly less stressed...

You yawn as you toss and turn in your sleep. Ivy stays close to you so you don't fall off of the bed.

Your mind was suddenly consumed into a dream. You walk around a familiar house quietly. Your legs seemed as if they were moving involuntarily, because anxiety continued to nag at you and scream for you to stop moving.

But you couldn't stop yourself.

You suddenly halt as you catch sight of your father. He is standing with a busted bottle in hand and a crazed look. It was normal to see him like this, he always looked like that when he was drunk. You shivered as you felt fear consume your thoughts at the horrifying sight.

Ivy lay there. A bloody mess. Her lifeless eyes were staring at whatever was in front of her. You screamed at the top of yours lungs, but no sound came out.

Your father continued to beat on the already dead dog. He kept screaming swear words and threatening comments.

"Stop!" You cry, "Ivy! No!!" You shriek, "Ivy!!"

"Ivy!!" You shot up in bed and scream your dogs name before screaming in fear. Tears stream down your face and you bury your face in your hands.

Ivy whines and wiggles over to you, setting her head in your lap. You continue to sob. Ivy whines again and sits up, sniffing you with another whimper.

The door suddenly swings open with a thud and a yellow aura around it. Sans quickly darts in and runs to you, "(Y/N)! What's going on!?"

You scream again as he yells your name, but you slowly relax as you realize it's just Sans. However you were still in shock. You grab Ivy and pull her close to your chest, cradling her as you continue to cry, "You're okay..." You whisper, "Y-you're okay..."

Ivy whines in concern and looks over at Sans.

Sans lets out a sigh of relief as he realizes it was only a nightmare, "(Y/N)..." He whispers and sits next to you, but makes sure he keeps his distance to not frighten you, "What happened...?" He asks quietly.

Papyrus quickly runs into the room. He sighs in relief, "THANK ASGORE. I THOUGHT SOMETHING HAPPENED."

sans quickly runs in as well. His left eye is glowing a cyan color and it suddenly vanishes as he sees you're okay. For the most part.

You shudder again, "I-ivy... S-she was d-dead..!" You choked on your words and started to cry more as you recalled the scene in your head.

"It's okay, (Y/N)." Sans comforts, "She's here, see?" He looks at Ivy.

Ivy whines a bit and nudges you.

You quiver again and suddenly grab Sans' jacket, yanking him closer into a hug. It was a reflex that you couldn't help. Sans was providing comfort and reassurance, so you couldn't help but hug him. (You asked for it Sansy Wansy)

Sans was taken back by your sudden contact, but didn't reject it. Instead he returned it and smiled faintly, letting himself be happy. (YOU LIKE HUMANS, ADMIT IT)

Papyrus walked in and sat down as well. He spread his arms out and hugged the both of you with a grin.

sans walked over to the three of you and join in with a grin. His hug was limp, but at least he was hugging.

You slowly feel yourself to drift off to sleep. Your eyes can no longer stay open and you willingly let them close with a yawn. But you didn't let go of Sans. You were too comfortable.

Sans looked at you as you went a little limp, indicating you were asleep, "Hey, guys. Can you help me move her?" He whispered.

Papyrus stood back up and tried to pick you up, but to no avail, you refused to move. Your grip grew tighter on Sans' jacket, "N-no..." You whispered in your sleep and tensed up.

Sans suddenly held his hand up, "Wait. Pap. Stop."

Papyrus took his hands away from you and you loosened back up with a sigh. Almost as if you were relieved... Huh. Odd. Skele-bab was comforting to you for once. (excuse me for being weird--)

sans chuckled quietly and stood up as well, "doesn't look like you're going anywhere."

Papyrus squeals quietly, "WHAT A GREAT MOMENT FOR A PICTURE!"

"Pap don't." Sans grumbles and his skull turns yellow again, "Just help me-- guys?"

They both backed away towards the door.


Papyrus left first and sans gave a wink before shutting off the light and walking outside of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Sans' pupil disappeared and he sat there in silence.

Ivy stared up at Sans in caution.

Sans slightly moved and you kept clinging to him, forcing him down next to you. As he hit the mattress you cuddled closer for more comfort.

Sans sighed a bit, "I'm not goin' anywhere am I...?" He mumbles to himself and glances towards Ivy.

Ivy inches towards Sans' skull, sniffing him a bit before huffing in a small amount of approval. Almost as if she were warning him.

"Calm down, dog." Sans mumbled. He looks at you and wipes away the last of your tears. He sighs and looks at Ivy, "I mean... Ivy." He smiles a bit, "Sorry."

Ivy wags her tail a bit and curls up next to you.

Sans closes his eye sockets with another exhale, feeling some stress being taken away, "Good night, (Y/N)..." He whispers.




to make up for my terrible terrible post from earlier
I hope you guys liked it ;A; I'd like some suggestions for what to do next chapter or in the future ;v;)

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