Gifts from THE GREAT PAPYRUS {11}

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The rest of the week was alright... It was only a week ago that you had found out about Benjamin's scratching thing, but the two words were glued to your mind. She showed no signs of hurting herself afterwards, but you were still concerned about it. With a small sigh you stare at the desk in your room. Your room.. It was so odd. You felt like you had lived here for a long time.

You felt really close to Papyrus and sans; however, Sans seemed to be growing distant of you. You couldn't place your finger on it... Maybe he was starting to regret letting you stay here? Pssht. Letting you stay here. He practically dragged you inside that night. You had the chance to run, but you never did. Hmm. Maybe he was letting you stay here... Why? He said he despised humans.

"HUMAN!" Papyrus busts into your room, "I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU AND THE ADORABLE DOG!"

Ivy wags her tail and jumps down from the bed. She waits for you to roll out of bed and drag yourself out the door with her and Papyrus, "What is it Pap?" You yawned and followed him. It was 4am. 4 o'clock in the flipping morning. You sighed as you noticed the time, but you didn't say anything. Papyrus was always up at wacky times.


You giggle as he sits down on the couch next to you. He hands a box over to you. It's quite large, "May I open it now?" You ask with a smile and he nods, "OF COURSE!" You nod at his approval and open the box up. You suddenly gasp at the sight, "Ohh! Papyrus!" You cooed and pulled out a shirt that read 'APPROVED BY THE GREAT PAPYRUS!'

You loved it. It was so cute. You loved how he was so confident and bubbly! As you continued to go through the stuff you grinned at the sight of some dog toys and dog treats for Ivy. She seemed very happy. What was even more exciting for her is that he had bought her a new collar to replace the choker she wore. You despised the thing as well, but you never had the opportunity to go out and buy her a new collar. So you thanked Papyrus greatly for the new collar.

Ivy sported the red collar and wagged her tail in triumph. She puffed out her chest and smiled. You gave Papyrus a hug suddenly and he returned it, "Thanks so much Pap." You sighed. "YOU'RE WELCOME!"

"I'm going to wear this today." You grin as you hold up the shirt that read 'APPROVED BY THE GREAT PAPYRUS!' and Papyrus squealed, "GREAT CHOICE!" He suddenly stops squealing and stares at you, "(Y/N)? WHAT IS WRONG?" He is more quiet than normal and sounds worried.

You hardly noticed the tears streaming down your face. You were just so happy... "H-huh?" You ask and wipe some tears away, "O-oh, don't worry. These are ha-happy tears!" You whisper and he pulls you into another hug, "You're so sweet." You leaned into his hug and held the shirt close to your chest. The other items he gave you were a few other shirts, jeans, hoodies, a backpack for school and spaghetti he made himself.

Ivy wiggles in between the two of you to be included in the hug. She lets out a huff of approval as she gets comfortable. Papyrus pets her head with his large red mittens that you still mistaken for oven mitts. The two of you remain in a hug before he yawns and falls asleep. You slip away from the hug and let him lay on the couch. A small smile forms and you cover him with a blanket from the side table that is folded on the surface.

Ivy lays at his feet and falls asleep as well. You then turn to the kitchen and decide to make breakfast, seeing as it's now 5am. Another yawn escapes and you pull out some simple things to make breakfast. Eggs, milk, bread and you found bacon in the fridge. There were multiple containers of spaghetti in the fridge, along with an excessive amount of ketchup bottles in it. You didn't question it... But you were curious and decided to ask about it later.

As you began to prepare breakfast and set the table you hummed under your breath quietly. You were learning how to play the cello in orchestra and Benjamin was helping you. She could play two instruments! The cello and the viola. You were still getting a hang of the notes, but other than that you were doing great. You thought of the song she constantly plays on her viola. What was it called again? Skinny Love? You continued to hum the song as you finished breakfast.

"what's the occasion?" a low voice chuckled at your jump.

"Oh. I was just trying to be nice..." You answer with a shrug.

"hey kid." sans murmurs, "wanna go to work with me today?"

You look over at him and hum in confusion, "Yeah sure, I guess..." You murmur and he chuckles, "i just wanted to talk to ya. don't worry."

"Alright." You set the final plate down, "Where do you work?"

"the bar down the street," sans sits down in a chair, "grillby's."

You look over towards him, "Oh." You murmur and ponder if the inferno man will be there. You suddenly recalled the way he denied your money kindly. It made you smile faintly.

"what's got you smilin'?" sans grins as he watches you, "I just... I remember going to Grillby's when I..." You sigh, "Ran away..." You get quiet and look down.

"oh." sans mumbled, "hey, you're here with us now." he smiles and you glance at him, "and i promise. if ANYONE hurts you they'll have a bad time."

You chuckle and sit down next to him, "Alright tough guy."

"i am." sans inhales and puffs out his chest, his coat puffs out as well, "see?" he's trying to make his voice deeper, but it doesn't work out so well.

You laugh quietly and pull him into a hug suddenly. He lets out a breath and freezes, "whatcha doin' there kiddo?"

"Thank you sans..." You whisper and he grins wider.

"no problem, (y/n)."


another chapter shall be coming today my lovelies >:D


You guys are awesome!! <3 Thanks so much!!)

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