My human. Not yours; mine. {6}

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(yeah, I drew the picture above
it was rushed ;_; I know it's bad)

Today was okay... You didn't mind being talked to, but when it got to the point where they started questioning your dog's presence you started to stutter.

Everyone left you alone after they grasped the idea that it was a touchy subject.

But that only made you think everyone thought you were weird... With a sigh you walk into the cafeteria and feel your stomach drop at the sight of all of those people. Maybe you would be able to find Asriel, maybe not. In that sea of people you figured that you wouldn't. You didn't think you were his number one focus, so he probably forgot about you by now.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Over here!" You hear the familiar voice call to you. Upon seeing Asriel, you smile faintly and walk over to him. He gestures for you to sit next to him.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Asriel grins, "I'd like for you to meet my friend." He looks at a boy sitting across from him. He had chestnut brown hair and his eyes were closed... They didn't stay closed for long. And when he opened them, they were a rich chocolate brown. His poker face suddenly spread into a grin.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N). I'm Frisk. Asriel has been talking about you quite a bit." Frisk chuckles quietly. (yes, I'm using boy pronouns for Frisk in this book)

"He has?" You ask, oblivious to Asriel's blushing beside you.

"Pfft! N-no! Frisk has a big imagination." Asriel chuckles nervously, which still isn't registered by you; however, you could tell he was anxious about something.

Frisk laughs a bit and shakes his head, "Uh huh." He then looks over at you and flashes another grin, but this one appeared to be a bit more... Flirtatious? (Frisk flirts with everyTHING and everyone, you know it)

Asriel puffs his cheeks a bit and frowns subtly.

You hum in confusion and look over at Ivy.

Ivy jumps onto the bench of the lunch table and crawls onto your lap, glaring at Asriel. She suddenly sits up on your lap and stares at Frisk.

Frisk chuckled again and winked at you, "By the way, you have a pretty name."

Ivy countered with a sneeze.

Asriel laughed a bit.

You giggled quietly and pet Ivy softly, "Easy there, Ivy." You smile as you continue to pet her.

The three of you continue to chat about a few things. A few times here and there Ivy set her front paws up on the table and barked quietly with a whine-growl of irritation as Frisk flirted with you.

After the bell rang to dismiss lunch you felt your stomach rumble. You had gotten so caught up in talking to the two boys, you forgot to eat.

"Oh, (Y/N)." Frisk mumbled, "I can give you a snack, if you want." He offered kindly with a friendly smile.

"No thanks, I'll be alright." You decline it, but then questioned if you should have relied on Sans giving you food... You suddenly recalled him telling you to call him if needed.

Maybe he did care about you...?

"You sure?" Asriel butts in and looks at you.

"Mhm." You nod a bit and look at the list of classes. You had one more class... Not that you had to do anything. You were only here for a tour/visit of the school and how they run things.

"Oh hey, we have the same class." Frisk chimes in, "Here, I can show you where it is."

Asriel frowns subtly, but sighs, "I gotta head to gym, see you later guys." He waves and heads in a different direction.

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