Friday {35}

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"You seriously got yourself suspended!?" Sans shrieked, "How the hell do you ma--" He halted his ranting, realizing that he was yelling.

Not to mention you and Benjamin were shaking in your spot from his yelling.

Sans inhaled sharply and shook his head, "You've got to be kidding me..." He mumbled and stuck his hand into his pocket, pulling out a small box.


Nice. Just lovely. You narrowed your eyes a bit and glanced up at him. Benjamin seemed just as displeased as you were, "Smoking can kill you." You grumbled, wanting him to put the cigarette out after lighting it. He only glances your way and scoffs lightly, "It's different for me." He mumbles and turns away to walk off back to the house.

Ivy lets out a small huff and her fur bristles. It's obvious all of you were irritated with the presence of the cigarette, but it didn't seem to phase him at all.

"So, explain to me how you got suspended." Sans glances back towards you and awaits your answer.

You let your gaze wander to the ground, "Well..."

(wheee, flashback)

"Ms. Stone, what do you think you were doing?" The teacher scolds and Benjamin begins to babble her story.

Ivy lets out a series of grunts and whines as Candy continues to spill out her lies to make Benjamin look bad. From the looks of it, it's working. You were glaring at the ground, trying to think of something to do, but... You couldn't really do much.

"Candy, c'mon.. Don't lie." Jinx whispers and Candy scoffs loudly in response, "She did! She pushed me and insulted me!" The girl stood up, adjusting her shirt that was already showing too much.

You were fuming in your seat, irritated that the teacher was getting the wrong part of the story.

"(Y/N) took part too!" Candy whined again, crossing her arms.

"Excuse me?" You mumbled and looked up at her, "I should've taken part." You murmur and stand up, pointing an accusing finger at her, "Because you're just sitting there spilling lies! I don't like that! I could've swung my hand across your face, but I didn't! I still can now, but I won't!" You were beginning to raise your voice, "Do you have any idea what me and Benjamin have been through!? We've been bashed on enough! Just leave us alone!!"

"Oh please, Levi told me everything." Candy rolls her eyes, "Lying about being abused is disgusting, (Y/N). I can't believe you'd do that! Claiming such a thing for attention is absolutely sick."

Jinx shifts uneasily in place, glancing around. Why was everyone just watching...? Why weren't they doing anything?

The teacher looks towards the back of the room and frowns, "Ms. (L/N)!"

You dismissed it quickly and let your anger get the best of you. Why did people always assume that you were lying about being abused? You weren't too sure yourself.

And you didn't want to prove it to them e--

Oh, would you look at that? Candy's on the ground.

You directed your gaze to the ground, seeing Candy laying on the ground next to a tipped over chair. You tried to recall what had happened, but it was all a blur.

You could only remember yourself grabbing the chair and swinging it.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Jinx screamed. He seemed angry. (No shit.) But at the same time... It looked like he understood. He got to his knees and put the fabric of his shirt against the side of Candy's head to stop the bleeding. It was a small amount, but either way it needed to be stopped or it would have looked like you killed her.

Did you?

"I-is she okay?" You whispered, but before you could receive an answer, the teacher grabbed your arms and began to pull you away from the scene. With everyone gasping and their concerned expressions caused you to feel as if you were a criminal.


"... Mm, she deserved it." Sans simply shrugs and lets his gaze return forwards. You stare over at Sans in question. What did mean? Even if it was reasonable, you thought you overdid it. Jinx's expression was locked into your mind. "But I must say that I'm not happy with the way you handled it," the skeleton interrupts, "you managed to get yourself suspended afterall. I don't care if it's a Thursday. The suspension is carrying over to Monday. I had stuff planned..."

"Well, I'm sorry." You mutter. The guilt continued to consume your other feelings, leaving very few positive thoughts. How could you not feel bad for bashing a chair over someone's head?

"It's fine." He seems way too easy going about this. You didn't like how he was handling it. He made you feel guilty over something he didn't care about? The way he words things was confusing at times. "What did you have planned?"

"I still have it planned," he mentions, making you want to throw your arms in the air and sigh, "I'm just saying that I'm not happy with you getting suspended." He shakes his head a bit, "I've got a date."

You quickly snapped your gaze towards him. He dropped his cigarette and put it out with his black boot. "A date? With who...?" You ask, letting the perfect amount of suspicion mix in with your tone. It made him nervous a bit. You could tell because he slipped his hands into his pockets.

Could he be lying? It was a small possibility, sure, but it was still something you suspected and you obviously wanted an answer.

Benjamin appeared to be registering what was going on. She waved her hand a little towards you. She wanted you to stop asking questions about it, but you just simply ignored it other than switching the topic to save yourself from it.

Ivy stared up at Sans. She could sense the way he became calm and cool. Almost as if he was being a bit cocky.

"Her name's Phoebe." Sans hums. The smile he gave off showed that he knew exactly why you were suspicious and why you were asking... It made him feel like he had a power of some sort.

You were jealous.

Hiatus is over~


I'm going to be making my chapters a bit shorter. I'm trying to practice my writing skills, so I'm going to shorten them while I practice x.x

Hope that's okay~ |D

And ooo thanks for 90k READS!! <3)

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