There is no forgive and forget {46}

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You pieced it together for a good five minutes. You were unsure if you should have made such an assumption, because it could easily be wrong...

"Sans and his father did it to you didn't they, Zerack?" You asked, looking up at him as he stood up, "Sans and Gaster abused you, didn't they?"

Zerack stared down at you. He didn't want to say yes, but he couldn't say no either, so the answer was pretty obvious for you.

"Oh... my god..." You gasped quietly, covering your mouth.


"I don't want you thinkin' any differently of Sans, okay...?" Zerack asks, looking a bit worried, "He's different now. He still doesn't like me, but he wouldn't do what he did now."

"I don't like the idea that I'm living with someone who abused somebody." You state, still shuddering, "It's hard to believe... And and, I don't want to accept that fact... I can just lie, right?" You ask, no longer talking to Zerack. You were mumbling to yourself frantically.

"(Y/N) (Y/N)," Zerack hurries over to you, "Don't worry, okay? He's not gonna do anythin' to you, if that's what you're thinkin'..."

"But why would he do something like that in the first place!? To anyone! Why!?" You yelled, covering your head with your hands, "I don't want to be in that house anymore! Has he done that to his brothers!?"

"Not that I know of... I used to live with them all, so... No." He answers, "It's okay, really! Please don't cry...!"

"I can't help it...!" You wheezed, "I don't want to live with him anymore... I don't want to see him anymore... How could he!? You should never forgive someone like that, Zerack! They don't deserve it!"

"But he does." Zerack whispers, making you look up at him, still shaking, "He does deserve it... When I first met Sans, he was very... Dark and violent. Gaster influenced him... One day he just stopped. I don't know why or how he suddenly came to the conclusion that he didn't need to beat things that he didn't like... He just stopped and almost completely changed. He stopped comin' to the lab and rebelled against Gaster."

You stared at Zerack, still shocked about the information you were exposed to. You could care less if Sans changed. You didn't want to see him, but for Zerack's sake, you didn't want to say anything to Sans either.

"I'd appreciate it if we kept this to ourselves..." Zerack pleads, "I don't want you thinkin' differently of Sans... I understand it's hard to believe, but people do change. Just give him a chance, kay?"

"I've given him too many chances Zerack," You whisper loudly, "he yells at me. He's scary. He reminds me of my father sometimes... Even if he holds me and tells me everything is okay, I know it's not...! He keeps giving me pity! He doesn't care..! He forgets about me and then yells at me when he remembers that I exist!" You cried.

Ivy snorted and sat up, nudging you lightly.

"It's NEVER going to be okay!" You screamed, beginning to rock yourself back and forth, "I can still hear him screaming at me! H-he... He, he's so... So cruel sometimes! I don't understand what I do wrong! He just yells! No matter what I do or what I say he'll scream at me! In front of my friends and in front of anyone!" You eventually got quieter until your words were consumed by quiet sobs, "I'm scared..."

"You shouldn't be." Zerack kneels down in front of you and smiles softly, "Can you please do me a favor? I can do something else in return, if you'd like."

You nodded a little, "What is it...?"

"Give him another chance... I know he yells a lot and he can be rude, but trust me on this one. He's changed and he would never hurt you on purpose." Zerack reassures.

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