Part 2 {13}

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"Don't hurt her!" Benjamin screamed. A suddenly flash of light blurred your vision and you saw a faint dark outline of a person.


That was the last thing you remembered before waking up. You try to move, but wince at the pain in your chest. It was probably from the stress you were just put through... And it didn't help that Ivy was laying across your chest.

But what struck you the most was the fact that you were in your room. You question as to how you got there. Your thoughts are short-lived as you hear bickering outside your door.

"No! She could've gotten seriously hurt!" You heard Sans holler.

"Please! I just need to make sure she's okay!"

"No! What are you!?" He hisses and Benjamin begins to babble about monster shifters and whatnot, but you were too confused to take in all of the information and comprehend it.

"calm down." You heard sans' muffled voice grumble towards his brother and Papyrus joins in, "IS THE HUMAN OKAY?"

"I don't know! This girl! I can't believe you did that!" Sans snarled. Did Benjamin hurt you...?

"I-I didn't hurt her!" You heard Benjamin cry, "I didn't! I swear! You've gotta believe m-me!" You are aware that she is now sobbing and she was trying to convince Sans, but he wasn't budging.

"Bull shit!" Sans snaps and you flinch.

Benjamin continues to babble on more excuses for her to get inside the room to see you. Soon enough she barges in and Sans yells in objection to her actions.

"Ben?" You whisper and she quickly rushes to you. "Thank god.." She lets out a sigh and sits on her knees next to you, "I was so worried... I-I thought you were hu-hurt... It would have been all my fault."

Sans grumbles, but tries to keep his cool seeing that you're okay.

"No, I'm alright Ben, I promise." You smile and she lets out a small, shaky sigh of relief, "What happened...?"

"Levi." Benjamin murmured and looked down, "But he's not going to do that again. Hopefully..."

You look at Ivy and she looks completely fine. As if she had never been kicked and constricted. You yawn quietly and glance around, "What time is it...?" You mumble and Ben looks down at her phone, "It's 8pm."

"Oh... Ben, you should head home. I don't want you to get into trouble, and we have school tomorrow." You whisper and sigh, "I'm sorry. I didn't want to drag this much attention..."

"It's okay. I'm just happy that you're okay now." Benjamin smiles faintly and stands back up, "And you're right... I should... go." She drags her sentence out and glances at Sans who is still glaring.

As you watched Benjamin leave you try to sit up, but Sans walks over to you and shakes his head, "Don't move." He murmurs, "You should just stay in bed and rest. You're not going to school tomorrow."

You frown a bit and lay back down, "Why not...?"

"I'm figuring things out." Sans mumbles and goes to leave the room.

"Who gave you that authority? I'm going to school tomorrow." You hiss quietly. You are surprised at your sudden bitter tone towards Sans and he turns around to stare at you, "Come again...?" He asks in a deep tone.

"I'm going to school tomorrow." You state and he frowns a bit, "Oh really? Look. I hate to sound rude, but I'm in charge. You're staying."

"Why do you care anyways!?" You suddenly scream. Sans appears to flinch a bit at your little burst of anger, "Huh!? You've been avoiding me and ignoring me! Why do you even care!?" You yell and Ivy whines a bit at your yelling.

Sans freezes in place and glances away in silence. He is quiet for a good minute before answering, "... I care because I'm concerned. There's nothing wrong with me being concerned for your own safety." He looks at you again, "As for the avoiding you part... It's nothing personal. I just need space sometimes." He mumbles.

"It's because I'm human, isn't it...?" You growled under your breath and fought back tears that threatened to spill, "I'm a sick creature to you. A joke. You're only avoiding me because you simply don't like me."

Sans looks a bit hurt when he hears your words. With a small huff he shakes his head, "No. That's not it... Look. It's just hard to explain, alright? I have nothing against you, okay?" He starts to let his guard down in the argument. It's obvious he's being bothered about something, but you can't get it out of him, no matter how hard you try.

You suddenly roll over to your side and tense up at his words.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)... I'm just concerned." Sans mumbles and you refuse to answer him.

"No you don't. You're just a liar like everyone else is..." You regret saying that to him because you can practically feel the emotions he's feeling right now. It's obvious your behavior took a little toll on him and struck him a bit.

"...Good night, (Y/N)." Sans whispers and quickly leaves the room, gently shutting the door behind him.

As you shut your eyes to fall back asleep you try to swallow the lump in your throat and focus on sleeping. But you can't stop your thoughts from centering around Sans.


It was now 11pm and you were still awake. You would fall asleep here and there, but you would always wake up about thirty minutes later.

Your thoughts were keeping you awake. You kept thinking about how you made Sans feel. The way his voice grew quiet and how he said he was just concerned about you... Did he really care about you? o matter how hard you tried, you couldn't convince yourself that Sans didn't care. Because he did. He shows it, said it, and is very much aware of it.

After a lot of mental argument. you drag yourself out of bed and into the hallway. Ivy follows suit and remains quiet like you. With every single careful step you take towards Sans' bedroom door you begin to re-think it, but before you could reject the idea you were standing in the doorway with the door open. He's facing away from the door as he lays down, so you can't quite tell if he's awake or not.

"Sans...?" You whisper, "Sans."

Sans mumbles a little under his breath and rolls over, slightly opening his eye sockets, "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" He asks quietly. You don't say anything in response. You just stare down at the floor in silence, "(Y/N)? Is something wrong?" He gets up out of bed and walks towards you, "Did you have another nightmare?"

You suddenly pull him into a hug and let out a small sob, "I'm sorry, Sans..." You whisper, "I didn't mean to say that earlier."

Sans stares down at you as you hug him. He lets out a small sigh and hugs you back, "It's alright... I deserved it anyways, heh..." He lets out a small, airy chuckle, "I don't blame you for saying what you said... Even if it isn't true."

You quivered a bit and he pat your back lightly, "It's okay, don't cry, (Y/N)." Sans mumbles.

"I know that you care.. And I shouldn't be so rude to you because you care for me. If it weren't for you, I might have still been homeless or my father might have found me." You shudder a bit and his hug is more firm as feels you shudder, "You gave me a second chance at life..." You feel the warm tears run down your face, "Thank you so much, Sans..." You whispered.

Sans suddenly scoops you up and walks over to his bed. He simply sits down and sits you next to him, "No problem, sweetheart." He smiles a bit, "You deserve it. It's the least I can do... You've been through so much, and I wasn't necessarily the nicest monster at first. I know I'm not that nice now, but... I'm trying for your sake." He chuckles quietly, "I don't want you to hurt anymore, (Y/N)... And you were right."

You look over at him and Ivy jumps up on his bed to curl up, "About what?"

"Some humans do deserve mercy."

(Sorry if this seems rushed or it's lacking creativity, but it's 3am and I'm so tired |D

but I hope you liked it~! ^^ <3 and thanks so much for 4k+ views!!!)

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