Surprise {56}

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I remember that one night when I tried to kiss Ossis... I pinned him against the wall so hard he cringed in pain. I got so carried away, I felt a sick need to hurt him. Maybe even KILL him.

Humans are sick. I thought, tears welling up in my eye sockets.

I just hope that Sans can control it...

Because what if he hurt (Y/N) like I did Ossis?

What if it was worse?


After you had explained everything to Sans, he seemed to be quite fond of Zerack's information. It appeared that he had known all along and was just trying to be sure that his assumption was correct. You figured that it was, seeing as how he was satisfied with the information that you had gathered, but you couldn't help but think about the consequences...


You stood in Alphys' lab next to Ivy and Sans, watching her finish the final touches on the experiment. She mixed a few things together here and there, sometimes mumbling under her breath about it. About five minutes she finished and put some in a small cup. Alphys was so proud an excited that she rushed towards the three of you happily, but she stepped on her lab coat and dropped the cup.

Ivy's ears perked and she lunged after the cup, making you yell in objection, but before you could completely stop the canine she licked the liquid and sat down. Her ears pinned back and she lowered her head in guilt from disobeying you... She was just curious.

"Bad dog! What the he--" Sans began, but stopped himself once he realized he was yelling. He then sighed and watched the dog. "Will it have any effect on her?"

You stared at Ivy, afraid that it could possibly be deadly. What if she only had a few more minutes to live!? What would happen!?

"Ivy will be f-fine... B-but I don't know if it's has a-any effect on her... She m-might become human...!" Alphys stutters out nervously. She quickly scrambled to grab her notepad to write down the outcome.

Meanwhile you said there and thought what would happen. What if Ivy did turn into a shifter? Would her inner demons be released or would she have tolerance over it because she was an animal and now a monster? Monsters have certain characteristics that animals do not have, so there could very well be a possibility that she could have dominance over it. She grew up around humans, so she probably learned some of their coping skills with anger and sadness.

You were 99.9% sure that she'd be fine now, but as you were distracted by your thoughts you didn't notice the 5'2 tan girl standing in front of you, holding a blanket in front of her as she shook.

"Oh my god!" You suddenly screamed. Was that Ivy!? "Ivy!? Is that you!?"

"(Y/N)!" The girl grinned. You could see a dog tail wagging behind her. She had short very dark brown hair with a white highlight in it and dark brown eyes. She also had floppy dog ears that matched her hair color.

"Ivy?" You whispered, staring at her, dumbfounded.

Sans stared as well. He looked completely shocked.

Alphys stared as well before squealing, "Oh my g-gosh!!" She gasped. "She's a kemonomimi! S-so cute!"

Ivy wrapped herself in the blanket and wiggled her hips a bit with a smile. That must have been the way she wiggled as a dog.

"I-I'll go get you some clothes!" Alphys nodded and quickly scrambled away.

"She's naked!?" Sans yelled.

Ivy looked towards him and perked her ears up. "I've never worn clothes.. Why are you worried now?"

"W-well! You're a human now! Sort of..." Sans stammers, shaking his head, "This is wrong!"

"Wow, you are really gross." Ivy frowned. "Alphys would call you a furry." She huffed, turning her nose up in the air.

"She's so smart..." You whispered. "How does she know how to speak...? Do you think maybe she knows because she grew up with humans?"

"Yep!" Ivy jumped up in the air happily and wagged her tail again. "This is great, I love being able to finally communicate with you, (Y/N)! I love you very very much and I can tell you that now!" She smiles. Ivy was pretty bubbly... "Hug!"

"No!!" Sans yelled, holding his hands up. "You're not properly clothed, no hugging!"

"I wasn't going to hug you." Ivy sneered angrily towards Sans. With a small huff and walked towards you and set her forehead on your shoulder. "I love you (Y/N)! I'll give you a hug soon!" She insisted, in which you smiled and nodded.

"Sounds like a plan to me." You chuckled and looked towards Sans.

"She's still going to eat dog food." Sans mumbled and you scoffed in annoyance.

"What a bastard." Ivy snorted quietly.

"Ivy!" You both gasped.



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