You're gonna meet a ton of people {17}

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sexy content ahead :^)

a sexy robot that is


It was the day of the party and you were quite anxious in full honesty. You still didn't want to go... But you weren't going to let Asriel and Frisk find out about Levi.

And what was there to worry about? You would have Ivy, Benjamin, Asriel, and Frisk there, so why be afraid? They would stand up for you, right? Of course they would!

You puff up your cheeks in your mirror and quickly head out of your room, only to be halted by Frisk and Asriel.

"We've come to help you pick out an outfit." Frisk states and Asriel nods, "But we won't watch you because," he suddenly furrows his eyebrows and his face flushes red, "that's uh... Never mind."

You lightly chuckle at his comment, "Alright... But uh.. I think I've got this."

"Oh dear!" A male, robotic voice rang out. It sounded feminine at the same time, "You cannot go to a party looking like that darling!"

"Who let him in the house!?" You hear Sans' muffled voice holler in irritation. You quietly laugh and look over at the person. He was quite tall. He wore hot pink boots and tight black pants? The upper half of his body was metallic. You hum in confusion before accepting his form. He looked a lot like a human, but was definitely a robot.

"I've heard so much about you (Y/N)!" The robot grins and you smile back, "Really?" You ask and he nods, "Oh yes! Asriel and Frisk always talk about how pretty you are!"

Asriel's face turned more red and he huffs a little, "Pfft! Wha-wha--" He looks over at you and sighs, "Yeah... We do.." He admits in a quiet tone.

You chuckle quietly, "Aww, that's so sweet. Uh.. What's your name?" You ask and look back up at him.

"Mettaton!" Mettaton grins again. Wow. His names was unique for sure and you liked him so far, "Now darling, we must hurry and get you in the proper clothing for this party. Everyone else will be so stunned that they won't be able to take their eyes off of you!" He states and ushers you out of the room, "We shall begin with your make-up!"

Make-up...? Oh boy...

Mettaton quickly seated you in the living room and refused to let anyone into the living room because he was going to have it be a surprise. Ivy was allowed in the living room. Only her and well.. sans who was sleeping on the couch. Mettaton refused to touch him and move him, so he got to stay there.

It seemed like forever until he was finished... You were afraid that there was a lot of make-up on your face, but once you saw the finished result you gasped a bit when you looked in the mirror. Mettaton had insisted that it didn't take much because you were naturally beautiful -that comment made you blush and Ivy wiggle in agreement-, "Wow Mettaton.." You whispered, "You're pretty good..." You had light foundation and blush applied. Your eyes were decorated with a small amount of black eyeshadow, black eyeliner and some mascara. Your (e/c) eyes were vibrantly highlighted by the make-up.

"Oh darling! You're so flattering! But this is simple stuff! I shall go and grab your outfit." He struts out of the room and soon returns with an outfit, "Here! Put this on!"

You glance around and head to the bathroom. After you finish dressing you stare at yourself in the mirror. The outfit he had picked out was so simple, but captured your looks greatly. You looked so pure and you almost forgot that you were once a victim of abuse. But that kind of thought never leaves... No matter how much you change or what you do. It'll always be there.

The outfit consisted of a large, gray, baggy sweatshirt that slightly covered your fingers with its sleeves. You had an undershirt for it as well. It was a strapped tank-top with the words 'Don't touch me, I'm hot'. That made you giggle every time you thought of it. The pants were simple black tight jeans and he even gave you tall converse boots with decorative buckles on it.

As you walked back out into the living room Mettaton grinned again, "Oh lovely!" He clapped, "You look great!"

You smile and thank him. You glance over at sans as you notice him sit up.

He blinks a few times and chuckles, "Am I in Heaven? Because I see an angel." He snickers and you blush faintly with a chuckle, "No." You answer and look down at Ivy who now sported a baby blue bow. She seemed to be very happy with the bow.

Mettaton claps his hands, "Boys! Come come! Look!"

Asriel and Frisk both walked out of the hallway and halted as they laid their eyes on you.

"Wow (Y/N)! You're very pretty!" Asriel compliments and Frisk grins, "Yeah. Hot da--"

"Watch your mouth young man!" Mettaton huffs, "(Y/N) deserves nice compliments! Not twenty first century slang... Even sans did better than that."

sans grins a bit and looks at Frisk.

"Alright," Frisk snickers, "(Y/N) you look very lovely today, but no make-up is needed for you are naturally beautiful."

Mettaton sighs a bit and looks away, "You overdid it a bit there." He mumbles.

Sans groans a bit and makes his way to the living room, "Why the hell are you here Mettatonnnnn...nn," He drags his gaze over to you an falls silent for a few before clearing his throat and looking at Mettaton.

"Just preparing (Y/N) for the party tonight!" Mettaton grins, "I assume I have done a good job, yes? You did fall silent for a moment!"

"Pfft. She's already pretty." Sans retorts before shutting his mouth. Shit.

You smile a bit, "Aww, thanks, Sans."

"You're welcome.." San mumbles and quickly walks back into the hallway and into his room.

After a few quiet minutes of nothing Frisk looked towards you and piped up, "So are you ready to go?" He asked and you shook your head, "No, I'm still waiting for Benjamin."

Frisk nods a little and sits down on the couch with a grin towards sans. The two start some small talk as you waited by the door for your friend patiently.

(coughity cough cough
ah yes

so the party arrives c: ... I wrote this last night to be prepared, and I'm writing the next part right now

what's gonna happen at the party? I dunno owo we'll find out sooner or later, depending how much I procrastinate ouo)

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