How was your day? {37}

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You nod and everyone resumes their mingling while you glance down at Ivy. So what if Sans gets a girlfriend? Maybe you'd get a boyfriend. And if that was the case, then so be it... He helped you get back up on your feet. He's just a 'caretaker', so you shouldn't get too attached to him. You had tons to experience for the first time in your life and he doesn't have to be there for all of them.

Perhaps this was a sign to start growing away from him? It seemed like so. He had a life of his own and you'd hate to be the one weighing him down on it.


You had completely forgotten about Mettaton's party. The whole mishap with Gaster prevented you from attending it.

..Or so you thought. It had turned out that Mettaton insisted on staying in town for two extra weeks, just so 'the absolutely fabulous (Y/N)!' could attend his party. You weren't too sure if you should go or not... Sans said he wasn't going, but Phoebe was dying to go. She was a huge fan of Mettaton and wanted to go, so you were positive that Sans would be taking her, but what about you? You still felt as if you were entitled to his attention and you couldn't help it. The last few nights he didn't say goodnight to you and he even missed picking you up from school one day; however, he didn't seem as mad and stressed like before.

"Probably because he's got the leech attached to his fucking mouth." You hissed within your inner thoughts. You could hear the bitter tone echo through your empty mind as you trudged to the kitchen. Phoebe and Sans were sitting on the couch, watching TV. You could hear a few whispers coming from Sans and giggles from Phoebe.

"Get a fucking room, my god..." You grind your teeth against one another in irritation as you begin to prepare a small snack. The two are constantly together now... Sans had said he's known her ever since the barrier had shattered. She was just out of town for certain things and returned, but you didn't see any excuse for her constantly being there.

You were here first, weren't you?

Another giggle and a few words spilled from Phoebe, "Sans stop! That tickles~!" But her giggling was cut short with gasp.

You had your fist slammed down on the counter, almost causing an instant bruise to form. You stared down in the sink, noticing your arm was shaking slightly. Why were you so angry...? You didn't mind that he was happy with a girl, you minded the fact that you were getting zero attention.

"Is she okay...?" You hear the female whisper. She sounds concerned, but Sans simply shrugs, "She's alright, she's a tough one. I'm sure someone's just messing with her. Hey (Y/N)? How was school? Did someone mess with you again?"

You inhale quietly and stand up straight, refusing to face him, "School was fine, thank you for asking," You say blandly, "and I'm having a few problems with someone, but it's fine."

"Who?" Sans asks. If you were facing towards him you would've seen that he was just watching the TV and responding to what you said, but you didn't need to see. You could tell that he wasn't paying much attention due to the tone of his voice.

"..." Your shoulders hike up slightly, "Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter. He's just being himself, I guess."

"Well, what's his name? What did he do exactly?"

"Sans. That's his name and he's ignoring me." You clear your throat and turn around. Sans turns towards you while Phoebe continues watching TV.

The simple sentence rolls off of your tongue and you're sure that Sans got the message. The look on his face couldn't tell you otherwise.

"Don't worry. He's no one important."

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