You jinxed it {34}

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('update plz

update cri


*sobs self to sleep* i was trying to sleep, my children)

Sure enough, yes. There was another dramatic school event...

(You guys asked for it with all of your comments >:3c)


No, not Homecoming. That was in a few more months... But either way you didn't want to go. You never went to prom before, mostly because no one fancied you and you had a very small amount of friends before you came here.

You were more than sure that none of your friends were going to it, so you insisted on simply staying home that night. Even if a part of you really wanted to go...

You were thrown back into reality at the sound of people gasping and a few females 'awww'ing.

You looked around to see a boy -probably around the age 17- standing in front of a girl in a wheelchair. He was moving his hands and fingers in front of him with a small smile. He was using sign language.

The girl in the wheelchair stared up at him. You noticed some tears in the corners of her eyes build up and she ushered for him to come closer, but quickly signed something else to him. When they hugged it out, you were under the assumption that he asked her to the prom.

You couldn't help but smile a little. That was cute... And he didn't overdo it. It was simple and from the heart, which is truly what most girls desired.

Keyword is most.

"Ugh! I can't believe this!" A girl hissed, stomping a foot onto the ground. You glanced towards the commotion and noticed a boy was nervously shifting around in his spot. She continued to scream at him. The flower bouquet in her hand was soon thrown to the ground and the boy flinched, "You don't care about me!! Everyone else had a creative way of asking their dates to the prom! Why couldn't you!? Ugh!!"

You stared over at the boy. You could feel his heart shattering.

"I-I... I just..." He stammered and the girl rolled her eyes. Her long brown hair flipped a bit when she turned around and trudged out of the room in anger. The boy watched her leave before sinking into his chair, covering his face with his hands, "Dammit... I can't ever do anything right..." He whispered.

You wanted to cheer the boy up, but you didn't know how to approach him. You were about to settle on just sitting there, but the little jellybean decided otherwise.

Ivy quickly jumped off of the seat that was next to you and waddled over to the boy. She seated herself on the ground next to him and stared at him.

He peeked out, eyeing Ivy in curiosity, "Hmm?" He smiled faintly and pat her on the head, "You're cute..." He mumbles to Ivy and he wiggles about in agreement.

"Ivy..!" You whisper loudly and inch towards her, "Heh.. Sorry about that." You mumble under your breath to the other. He looks up at you and you finally got a good look at his features. He had raspberry colored hair (which was more than likely dyed), he wore black glasses and had a lip piercing. His skin was fairly pale and his hair color made his blue eyes stand out.

"It's fine," he smiles faintly and looks back down at Ivy," she's cute."

You nod and smile in agreement. With a small sigh you manage to throw the incident in the conversation, "So... What was that about? Just a minute ago... You don't have to tell me, I just feel bad. I wanted to apologize?" You gradually trailed off in your sentence.

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