Spring Break {48}

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"Night, Obi." You smile a little and relax.

He was so comforting... He made you feel safe and wanted. You were glad that he didn't think you were weird and he praised you for just simply being yourself. He truly was a sweet guy.

But a part of you wondered if it truly would last forever... Would it?

You furrow your eyebrows as your sleep was filled with darkness.

There Gaster stood with his permanent grin.

"H e l l o, ( Y / N ) . . ."


That nightmare did not leave you mind quickly. It was still stuck in your head, well, some parts were. It was hard to say what exactly was happening, but all you could remember was Gaster talking about souls.

Integrity, kindness, determination, patience and perseverance... That's all you could remember now. It was slowly slipping away every time you didn't focus on it.

"Enjoy your Spring Break!" The teacher dismisses the class and people quickly push and shove to get to the door and leave.

You waited at you seat until the mob flooded into the hallways, leaving you standing with Benjamin and Obi quietly.

"Kind of reminded me of power-shopping." Benjamin comments with a small chuckle and looked towards Obi and you. With a small sigh she glances forwards and shifts uneasily, "I've gotta go."

"Hmm? Why? You can hang out with us, it'll be fun." You smiled towards Benjamin, but she kindly declined it and left. You sighed quietly and looked up at Obi, "Is she avoiding me?"

"I heard that Benjamin's dad is really sick. I heard her telling someone about it." He explains, "I don't see why though... He's really mean to her."

"How'd you know?" You asked.

"Wow, I figured that she would've told you," Obi laughs nervously, "me and Ben... We used to be a thing."

"Whoa." You blinked and looked away from him, "Really?"

"Mhm." Obi nodded and shook his head a little, "But I was a huge jerk back then..." He slowly flattens his ears, "It's silly though. I rushed into the relationship and as did she."

"Obi," You frowned, "we sort of rushed into the relationship too." You mumbled, not necessarily feeling all proud about that.

"I know, but me and you knew each other for at least three months." Obi points out, "Me and Benjamin hardly knew each other for a month..." He whispers and sighs, "Let's switch topics."

"No no, I want to know more about her. Was she different than she was now?" You asked.

"Well... Yes. She had a brother named Tobias and she was more dark than she was now... There were countless times where I've had to pull a knife away from her body and smack pills out of her hand. I knew she was hurting real bad because she's terrified of taking pills... Her suicidal streak started after her brother died and I can't really blame her. She had a shitty boyfriend, a cruel dad and a dead mom and brother."

You walked out of the classroom with him and made your way outside, "I see..." You mumbled and looked around, noticing for once Sans was standing in his usual spot, "Oh. Sans is here."

Obi's tail twitched a little and he nodded, "Okay, I'll see you later, (Y/N)." He smiles.

You smile back and use your tippy toes to make yourself a bit taller and give him a quick peck on the lips, "Bye." You lower yourself again and wave to him before turning around and walking over to Sans.

Sans makes a small humming noise and looks down at you, "Hey."

"Fancy meeting you here." You say as you begin to head home. Sans scoffs a little and follows you.

"I know I've missed a lot of days, but just be happy I'm here now, alright?" He mutters and keeps his gaze locked forwards, "How was your day at school? No more pervs, right?"

"It was just fine, Sans and no, no one bother me." You answer quietly, letting the feeling of spring break settle in. It felt like a weight had been lifted, but soon it felt like another one was put on you.

You had to spend your entire spring break with Sans, and he probably wasn't even going to be home! He'd probably be out with Phoebe! Perhaps you could spend more time with Papyrus and sans, rather than sitting at home, possibly getting into more trouble with Obi... You hated how Sans seemed to know when you were doing something wrong and he'd just show up.

For example you had gotten into the fridge in the middle of the night because you wanted something sweet. You couldn't sleep, but Sans was standing behind you with his arms folded. And then you got in trouble for texting Obi and Benjamin late at night.

And you got in trouble for chasing Ivy downstairs. Sans was very angry about that.

He did not yell, but he rattled in anger, trying to spill the words in a coherent way.

Ivy was constantly down the stairs, sitting by the large metal door. She seemed to be very interested in that door, or at least what was behind it. You remember that it was the door that you came out of when you first got here.

You had forgotten about the lab... But now you remembered it. You had gotten so caught up with actually living there that you forgot about the lab. Now that you thought of it, you were a bit curious about it...

"Hello?" Sans waved his hand in front of you and you looked towards him slowly.

"...Yes...?" You whispered, still thinking about other things. He jumped back a little and stared at you.

"Jeez, you can be scary when you're concentrated." He mumbles and lets out a weak laugh.

"Yes, I can be." You agree and look forwards, "But you can be scary too."

"What? No." Sans huffs and looks forwards again, "... Okay, maybe sometimes."

"Wow, letting your guard down so easily, Sans. Have some self confidence." You tease with a smile. Sans look towards you and grinned a little.

"Since when did you get so cocky?" He asked.

"Ever since you started abandoning me."


(Ew, filler chapter

I have 0 muse for Let Me Run right now, so I'm going to type up some one-shots with my OCs. I would appreciate suggestions, yessss

i might so a few limes, idk

maybe angst stuffs
I'm growing upsetti because I'm trying to set up the chapter layout

Let Me Run will end when I have 200 parts because that's the limit aha, i think)

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