Truth {52}

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"And that's what happened, alright...?" Ossis grumbled, glaring at Sans.

Elise nodded and looked at Sans, "Now... That's what happened. Do you believe him?"

"No!" Sans scoffed, countering Ossis' glare.

"Of course..." You and Elise sighed softly.


After a long two hours at the hospital, Zerack and Ossis head back home. Ossis was silent ever since and that startled Zerack slightly. He wasn't too sure if Ossis was upset about the Phoebe thing or if he knew what today was...

He was positive that he had forgotten to tell him, but he was planning on it, "Hey Ossis," He hums, gaining the other's attention, "I forgot to tell you somethin'..."

Ossis quickly turned towards him with a hopeful expression on his face, "Huh?"

"Rogue is comin' back home tonight. His trip got canceled due to some threats from the rebel group in Washington..." Definitely not what Ossis wanted him to say... Zerack noticed his change in expression and grew silent yet again. He glanced towards Ossis as they neared their home. He took in everything about Ossis and noticed how his suit gave off a mature outlook, when really Ossis was a bit reckless, but deep down inside he was possibly broken or sad. However he never ever showed it, which made Zerack grow more concerned about him. Perhaps Zerack was overreacting, but who knew. No one could ever get to unlock him besides Ossis, Dover, (Y/N) and once Sans.

"You okay there?" Ossis' voice cut in suddenly, making Zerack look away from him quickly. A light green spread over his cheekbones and he nodded in response. "Okay, good. I was just making sure."


"Well, are you gonna unlock the door?"

"Oh! Yeah..." Zerack mumbles quietly, fumbling for the keys in his pockets, "Do you think we should pick up Dover from Toriel's tonight or let him spend the night? I just don't want him to freak out because of Rogue... You know he can get a little wild."

"He's fine, as long as he doesn't start shit with you, all right?" Ossis asks, looking down at Zerack as he unlocks the door and walks in.


As soon as that door shut, the entire room was dark. Just as Zerack head for the lightswitch, he was suddenly shoved against the wall with a yelp.

"C'mon, I made that one pretty obvious." Ossis growled lowly. His face was slightly visible from the moon outside, but either than that it was nearly pitch black inside.

"W-what?" Zerack stammers, staring up at Ossis.

"Are you serious? You didn't notice?" Ossis asks, beginning to raise his voice, "I like you, Zerack! I-I just...! I don't know, okay!? I just like you! And you don't notice and it hurts because you have your ex living with us! I don't like it when people mess with you or hit on you! That whore needs to back off because.. because..."


"Because I like you! I liked you first!"


"I just don't see how you didn't not--"


"What?" Ossis suddenly snaps out of his own words and stares down at Zerack. His cheekbones were dusted a faint purple and Zerack's green.

"I like ya too.. Calm down." He lets out a weak chuckle and wraps his arms around Ossis' neck and pulls him in for a hug, "I just didn't know if you really did like me or not... But I know now..."

"Good..." Ossis mumbles, keeping his arms wrapped around Zerack. He sighs and stares forwards, "When's jackass coming home?"

"In an hour."



(Normal POV)

You let out a sigh as you lay in your bed, Sans lies on the floor, staring up at the ceiling with you and Ivy is still out on the couch. She was still sick and was sleeping a lot more than normal. Either than that everything was going crappy.

Obi was still in a coma, Phoebe is still a lying whore, Sans still doesn't believe you and is now trying to convince you that Zerack is a bad person.

"He's sick! He lies and cheats at everything... He knows his way around things. He has knowledge of almost everything. It's like he can manipulate time or something!" Sans rants on and on, refusing to stop. He even said that Zerack was once human. How funny!

"He's not a human." You retort.

"He was too! We're using the same way to become human so we can fight off Gaster! Zerack knows everything about that! He can manipulate time and he can do so much!"

"What?" You suddenly sit up and stare down at Sans who stares at you, looking like the kid who stole a cookie from the cookie jar.

"... I mean... Okay look, I'll explain it tomorrow.. You're probably really tired right now."

"No no, what did you say?" You nagged. You wanted an explanation right now! This was preposterous! What was he saying? Was he saying he wanted to become human? But he hates humans! Minus you of course.. But either way, what in the word was he saying, you wondered.

"I'll tell you tomorrow (Y/N)... We've both had a long day, okay?" He pleads. It was true. Today was rough and it hit you too many times. Obi was still in a coma after all and you were worried sick...

"Fine... But promise me you'll tell me tomorrow! No lying." You huff.

"I promise." Sans chuckles and gets up from the floor. He stretches a little and looks down at you, "G'night."

"Night Sans." You yawned in the middle of your words, earning another chuckle from him.

"I'll see you in the morning."

"See ya." You whispered, setting your head down on the soft pillows.

Sans covers you up with your blanket, earning a small thanks from you. He hums in response and walks to the door. He turns the lights off and walks out, barely closing the door before saying goodnight again, but you could have sworn you heard something else...

"I love you."

(A little combination of both from the vote.

this was quick, i'm sorry, but my new meds are making me very exhausted and my arms are literally Papyrus' spaghetti noodles.

See ya later :0 )

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