so cool title {47}

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"Sweet!" Dover smiles.

"But I've gotta head home," You sigh.

"Aww!" Dover whines, "Can you come back over!?"

"Maybe." You smile and stand up, "See you later." You wave at Dover and then towards Ossis and Zerack. They all wave back and you walk out the door with Sans and Ivy. Sans shuts the door after you leave and begins walking quietly.

You look forwards and rethink the talk you had with Zerack.

"Just one more chance..."


Waking up for school this morning was something you didn't want to do. At all...

You got very little amount of sleep last night and Ivy got sick. It pissed Sans off, but he waited until you were out the door to scream in agony. Sadly Ivy had to stay home because she was absolutely miserable, which left you lonely on the way to school.

Sans had offered to walk you to school, but you insisted that it was alright. Obi texted you and said he'd walk you.

You now wondered if maybe that scream wasn't just because Ivy had gotten sick.

Whatever the case was, you couldn't do much about it now. It was over and done with. You couldn't go back in time to find out... Why were you putting so much thought into this? Because you were stuck in math and you were tired. Obi practically had to carry you inside because you were so drained.

"Ms. (L/N)!" The teacher huffed. Your eyes snapped open and you let out a loud 'huh?'.

A few people giggled and snickered, suddenly making you feel very self conscious about yourself. They were all staring... Weren't they?

"What is the answer for number five?" The teacher asks, sliding her glasses down the bridge of her nose, cocking an eyebrow.

"Umm... On what?" You ask quietly, rummaging through your bag.

"A." Obi whispers, nudging you lightly. You shake your head to recollect yourself and stutter out the answer.

"Uh, A." You say plainly, gaining a slow nod from the teacher.

"Very good..." She mumbles and lets out a sigh, "Okay class! You're dismissed. Lunches will be served between now and next hour."

You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and make a small mumble in question.

"It's a half day today, (Y/N)," Obi explains, standing up with his black string bag, "and hey, I've gotta head down to the office real quick. I'll see you next hour, okay?"

"Mhm." You nod and sigh. As he leaves you get up and gather your things. A few mischievous teens are lurking in a group in the back of the room, eyeing you, but you take little notice to it.

"Yeah she's definitely an eye-full." You hear a male sneer slyly.

You pull your backpack strap over your shoulder and quickly weave out of the chairs, pushing them in so you can continue forwards.

"She's got a nice ass." Another voice cuts in, gaining a few laughs.

You felt very uncomfortable. You glanced towards the front of the room, hoping the teacher was there, but she was standing out in the hall to monitor them. They were more populated at the moment, so you could see why she was out there instead.

"Hey, pretty thang!" A voice hollers. You halt and glance towards them, "You should come over here. I got something to tell ya."

"No thanks... I've gotta get to class." You mumble and begin to walk away again.

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