Oops {26}

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You slowly opened your eyes, only to be greeted with a sleeping Sans. You were no longer on the floor... With a small yawn you look around and look at Ivy who was curled up on the end of the bed peacefully.

You exhale and looked back at Sans, noticing that he had woken up. Man. He could wake up in the blink of an eye. You jolted a bit because it looked like he was wide awake now. How could he do that? "Mm.." You grumble and narrow your eyes at him, "How'd I get up here?"

"I woke up and saw you on the floor. Y'know, you could've left me on the floor, or you could have woken me up so I could head to my room." Sans points out and gives you a cocky smirk, "Unless you wanted me to stay in here."

You frown subtly, "Oh hush..." You grumbled, "I'm still not that happy. I just woke up."

"Yeah, but it's a weekend. You should be happy." Sans insisted in a slightly cocky tone to match his smirk, "I know you've got plans."

"Yeah, I know..." You whisper and close your eyes again, "Just five more minutes."

"C'mon." Sans sits up and nudges you to move, "I want to get off. You two are sort of preventing me from doing so." He looks at Ivy. The dog only stares back. Yeah.. She's not moving.

You shrug a little, "You're the one who put me up here..." You quickly opened your eyes as you felt something loom over you, "What are you doing?" You bunched up a little out of reflex.

"Getting off of the bed." Sans mumbled innocently as he hovered over you. You tried to sound laid-back, but your voice was quiet, "You don't have to sit there that long." You whisper, trying to sink into the mattress. Sans only scoffs in agreement, "I know I don't have to, but you're sort of stopping me."

You noticed your legs had buckled and trapped his legs under yours. Your face turned red and you curled into a ball of embarrassment, "Sorry..." You whispered. Sans gets off and stands next to the bed, "It's fine." He shrugs and sighs, "Hey.. What do you have planned for today?"

"Benjamin wants to hang out." You yawn a little and get out of bed, "She wants me to meet someone." You stretch a little and quickly return to your standing position as you caught Sans staring, "Sans..." You murmured.

Sans looked over at you, "What? Oh." He glanced away nervously with a small chuckle, "Sorry."

Ivy let out a small grumble as she sprawled out on the large bed. It was her way of getting ready for the day and whatever events it consisted of.

"Well, I've got stuff to do." You ushered Sans over to the door and he frowned a little. "What are you doing?" He mumbled, clearly suspicious about it.

"It doesn't concern you." You insisted and shoved him out of your room and shut the door. Sans mumbled a few incoherent things.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" He asked, clearly annoyed now.

"Go away, I'm busy." You mumbled and went over to your dresser for clothes. Once you picked out your clothing for the day you pat Ivy lightly and she wiggled in approval to your choice of clothes.

"I don't appreciate this." Sans grumbled, "Answer me." He hissed before letting out a sigh, "Please."

"Just a minute." You mumbled as you slipped your shirt off. Ivy looked towards the door and let out a bark as she noticed the door handle turn slightly.

"Ivy, shh. What are you barking at?" You mumbled as you clipped a (f/c) bra on, slightly adjusting the straps.

Ivy began to bark louder and refused to stop.

You sighed and turned around, "Ivy! What are you barking a--" Your gaze snapped towards the door and you let out a scream, "Sans!! Get out!" You shrieked, grabbing your blanket to cover your partially naked upper half.

Sans quickly slammed the door shut and stared at the ground, outside of your room. Oops...


Breakfast was very very awkward...

It was really quiet...

"So," Sans cleared his non existent throat, "Uhh... What do you have planned for today?" He asked the two brothers.

sans shrugged lazily, "don't know. i'll probably stalk benjamin and (y/n). make sure they're not up to anything." He gave you a lazy wink as he teased you.

"I AM GOING TO GO TO WORK! MY VERY FIRST DAY AS A ROYAL GUARD!" Papyrus beamed, and somehow his red scarf flowed behind him as he struck a heroic pose.

"That's great Papyrus!" You smiled and looked over at sans, "And sans..."


"I'm pretty sure that neither me, Benjamin, nor Ivy would appreciate you trying to embarrass us." You murmured and Ivy snuffled a bit under the table.

"alright (y/n). i'll do my best not to." He grins and begins a small conversation with Papyrus, leaving you and Sans in awkward silence.

You move uneasily in your seat before quickly bolting towards the door as someone knocked. You opened it to see Benjamin with a small smile, "Hi Ben." You grin and Ivy darts out from under the table and over to the door upon hearing Benjamin's name.

"Hi." Benjamin greets in return, "Do you want me to come in or are you ready?" She asked and waved over at sans and Papyrus as they waved towards her.

"I'm ready to go." You answer and look back at the table, "Bye guys! I'll be back later!" You quickly leave and shut the door to save yourself from some awkward staring contest with Sans.

Ivy trotted at a moderate pace next to you, tuning into everything the two of you said.

"So, who are we going to see again?" You asked and glanced towards Benjamin.

"My friend Napstablook." Benjamin smiled faintly, "But uh.. Just to let you know ahead of time. He's pretty insecure and morbid about himself."

"Aww, poor thing." You whispered and recalled the conversation you had about him. He was Mettaton's cousin, right? Speaking of Mettaton, you were invited to a party of his next week. He was going to be leaving soon to continue his tour... Perhaps you could maybe get Benjamin to bring Napstablook with?


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