Annoying sibling {3}

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"wow. and i thought you had a little bit of common sense."

"Shut up. I have my reasons."

The voices were coming from outside of your door. You had been awake for a good hour now, but didn't get out of bed. You were still tired and you didn't want to just waltz out of the room and disturb Sans. But hearing two new voices made you anxious and frightened.

"She's not very fond of people just poppin' up." You heard Sans mutter, "Now shut up! You're gonna scare her away..."

You shudder and look at Ivy.

Ivy suddenly launches off of the bed as the door opens. A tall figure walked in. You suddenly shrieked and hid under the covers. Ivy leaped at the tall figure, knocking it off of its feet.

"NYEH!?" It screamed, "SANS!"

Ivy bared her teeth and snarled viciously. Once the light allowed more features to be shown she stopped threatening him.

You peered out of the blanket and looked at Ivy.

Ivy sniffed the skeleton and perked her ears before wagging her tail. She repeatedly gave the skeleton kisses. It was surprising for you... You were aware of Ivy's friendly nature, but seeing her accept him so easily was stumping you.

It must have been his bubbly and happy aura he gave off.

Sans was glaring down at the dog with his yellow pupil glowing furiously, "Get off of him you filthy animal!"

"You filthy animal!"  The voice of your father echoed in your head and you darted out of bed, "Ivy!" You screamed. Your arms wrapped around the pitbull and you tore her away from the others swiftly and ran back to your bed. You crawled onto the bed and clung to Ivy sobbing quietly as your body shook again.

Sans' eye quickly flashed back to normal and he gave a look of concern.

Another skeleton, who was shorter than both looked up at the other with a scoff, "wow. really out done yourself this time." A small (smol) chuckle was heard before he cleared his throat.

Sans glared at him and then looked down at the other skeleton on the ground.


You peer over your shoulder and try to stop your sobs. You get a good look at the new monsters. Two skeletons. One was tall and the other was short; however, Sans' height fell between the two. And he appeared more confident than them both. Papyrus look bubbly and the shorter one look like he didn't even care what was going on. He just glanced around, almost as if he didn't notice you, "T-thank you.." You whisper and pet Ivy.

Ivy licks your face and some of the tears are taken away and sobs replaced with a giggle.

Papyrus walks a bit closer and sits on the floor, "WHAT IS IT'S NAME?"

"Her name is Ivy." You turn around to look at him.

"SHE'S VERY CUTE!" Papyrus exclaims, "WHAT IS SHE?"

"She's a pitbull." You smile faintly and stroke Ivy again.

"WOWIE!" Papyrus grins as well, feeling accomplished he made you smile.

"not very fond, huh? she seems fine. she must like paps more than you." The shorter one chuckles.

Sans glares down at him and huffs, "Can it, midget."

You peer at the two bickering skeletons and point subtly, "Who's the other one...?" You whisper to Papyrus.

"THAT'S SANS!" Papyrus answers.

"No, I mean the shorter one." You suddenly look down, "Oh.. That sounded mean.."

Sans nudges the other with a cocky smirk and laughs.

The other shrugs.

"YES, THAT IS SANS!" Papyrus nods and looks back at them.

You look over at Sans and give a confused look.

Sans sighs and looks down, "Look, kid. It's a lot to explain... Just roll with it." He murmurs and glares down at the other sans.

"nice to meet ya, kiddo." sans grins and walks over to you, holding out a hand.

You hesitate but shake it only to yank back startled.

"Sans you idiot!" Sans snarled and stomped over to sans (this is gonna be hard to understand)

A whoopee cushion fell out of sans' hand and he chuckled quietly.

You gave a light chuckle in response and suddenly started to laugh more as sans laughed with you.

Sans stared in silence. He frowned and looked at Papyrus who groaned a bit in annoyance. How could they make you smile!? You just met them! Why couldn't he do that?

After your laugh fest with the short skeleton you looked over at Sans. You were curious as to what you were going to do today... he said you were going to have a busy day today. You weren't exactly all for it, considering he kidnapped you on some terms...

"Alright." Sans sighs and pats his pants pockets, "Let's go. C'mon (Y/N)."

sans takes this opportunity and flashes a smirk at his brother before turning to you, "that's a pretty name," he compliments, "much like yourself."

You faintly blush at his compliment and smile faintly, "Thank you."

Sans grits his teeth and his shoulders hike up a bit in irritation. He dismisses it and grabs his brother's hoodie. He violently yanks him away and stomps out of the room, "Let her change." He grumbled.

"aww, kind of wanted to be in here too. i'm curious, y'know." sans joked. He was a skeleton after all, and was a bit curious, but he wasn't going to do that. He was just pulling at his brother's strings.

You choked on a laugh. You were mainly laughing because of Sans' reaction and Papyrus' innocence.

"WHAT ARE YOU CURIOUS ABOUT BROTHER?" Papyrus asks and looks at sins, I mean sans.

Sans growls a bit, "Don't worry about it Papyrus! sans is just being a pervert!" He yelled and dragged sans out of the room.

"WHAT'S A PERVERT?" Papyrus asked as he walked out of your room and shut the door gently.

You recall the clothes from your backpack and look around for it. You notice the desk has a pile of clothes on it. You get up and walk over to the pile of clothes only to notice a note.

"Sorry. Your backpack got soaked when I brought you here... It started raining." That's all it said. You were a bit skeptical, but believed it once your heard thunder rumble in the distance.


You walked out of the room wearing a large black hoodie and some jeans. Ivy followed suit. Her tail wagged and she bounded next to you with a smile on her face. You walked out into the living room and looked at the skeleton trio in silence.

"Alright." Sans stands up and looks over at you and stares for a minute before shaking his head, "Ready?"

"Where are we going...?" You ask quietly and look at the other two.

Sans looks back towards them and sighs, "Right..." He mumbles, "Look. I know it's on short notice, but we're gonna go enroll you in school."

You stared at Sans. Your mouth was slightly agape.



(Alright. There's another chapter
sorry it's not that good, but heh here |D

And in case you were wondering. When Gaster!Sans talks, his name is capitalized. When regular classic sans speaks, his will be lowercase

proving his laziness.

He can't even capitalize his own name in the narration.)

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