Try something new {43}

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"Mhm." Ossis murmurs and stares down at Sans for a minute, "If you don't start respecting her, I'll come back down here and beat your ass. I know where you live now."

Sans nods a little. He expected that kind of response, but before he could completely shut the door, Ossis left another statement.

"I already don't like you,"

"I figured that much." Sans muttered and went to shut the door again, but was stopped when Ossis slammed his hand on the door, preventing him from shutting it.

"because I know what you and your father did to Zerack."

And with that he left.


{Has some contact that is for a more mature audience, like seriously :/}

The next few days you were left with some pretty bad headaches. They only came on when you were put under stress, even just the slightest. You had to go home from school once because it was unbearable.

But that didn't stop you from going to school. As much as you hated school, you preferred going to school other than sitting at home with Sans and Phoebe. Sure Papyrus and sans were there too, but they seemed to be busy. They were talking about multiple things that didn't really catch your interest. One topic was about school, but you didn't really pay attention.

"Ms. Stone?" The teacher called, gaining your attention. Benjamin had been absent for the past few days and it made you worry. She was known for missing some days due to her conflicts with others and herself.

You weren't too sure what 'conflicts with herself' was. People just kept talking about it.

"Of course..." The teachers sighs under his breath and taps a few keys on his keyboard, "Alright class. The assignment is due tomorrow, are there any questions?" He asks as the bell rings, signaling that the school day is finally over. The sound makes your ears rings, summoning a minor headache.

After a few seconds of silence the teacher nods, "Okay, you're all dismissed." He looks down at a paper through his glasses, "Actually, Vincent, please stay back. I need to talk to you."

You glanced around to see a boy make his way towards the teacher. You didn't look for long, because you wanted to hurry outside and see if Sans decided to walk you home today.

Rushing through the hallways was like heading out into war with only scraps as armor. Teens pushed and shoved you to the point where you felt like you were the ball in a pinball arcade game.

Finally you were granted freedom when you set foot outside. You looked around for Sans for a good five minutes, but to no avail did he appear. You felt your heart drop a bit. Why wasn't he walking you home anymore...? Oh well. It was his loss.

Ivy even seemed a bit upset that Sans no longer walked with both of you. She practically had to drag herself across the ground because of the lack of entertainment.

You'd just continue to grow away from him and soon you'd grow so fed up with his act that you'd leave.

That's what he wanted, wasn't it?

You let out a small sigh as you began walking, only to slow down shortly after. Someone was walking next to you.

"What's up?" Obi looks down towards you. You look up at him with a smile and shrug, "I saw you walking on your lonesome, so I thought I'd walk with you."

Ivy perks up slightly and watches you two in silence.

"Thanks, but you don't have to if you don't want to." You look forwards and continue walking.

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