Normal {25}

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You did it again...

It was the fifth time this week that you've made Sans stomp off to his room. You were only talking about Obi... The other two seemed to be just fine with you talking about him, so why couldn't Sans be the same?

You were staring down at your dinner plate, clutching your fork tightly to refrain from either yelling or bursting into tears... He didn't leave the table in the nicest way possible.

"(y/n)..." sans whispered, "it's alright. he's just being grumpy." He shrugs and tries to grin, "that's how he is."

Papyrus looks quite concerned. Your hair was shielding your eyes, so they couldn't tell if you were crying or not. The two were about to speak up again until you set the silverware down and rushed to your room, knocking the chair down from getting up so suddenly.

Ivy trotted after you, slipping into the room with you before you shut the door harshly. Ivy let out a small huff, jumping up onto the bed and looking at you quietly.

You plopped down on the bed and curled up without the blankets over you, "I hate it when he does that..." You whispered through gritted teeth, letting the tears come again, "I would understand if he said it nicely, but... I'm tired of him screaming like that...!" You buried your face in your pillow, letting the sobs take over your words.

Ivy sprawled out and army crawled towards you, laying at your side with a snuffle of reassurance.

"I always screw things up." You cried into your pillow. Your muffled voice was still pretty clear, for you were speaking quite loudly into your pillow.

Ivy only stared over at you, allowing you to vent for as long as you needed... But she quickly grew worried when she noticed you slightly grow limp. What were you doing!? Ivy snuffled and you didn't move at all. She quickly sensed that something was wrong, so she nudged you and rolled you off of your bed with all the strength she could muster.

You hit the ground and gasped for air. Your lungs were begging for it, and contact with the floor forced you to comply with their wish. Air.

Ivy barked a few times. It was like she was yelling at you or scolding you.

Hmm... She must've figured it out...

Truth be told, you were trying to hold your breath and force yourself to pass out... A part of you wished you would die.

But Ivy was obviously giving you a hard time with that. You could tell because the dog suddenly looked stressed when she laid back down, curled into a small ball. You had gotten back up onto the bed, looking at her for a while now... Her eyes were shining and they were watery. Could dogs cry...?

Whether they could or not, you were convinced that she was crying. A few times she let out a big shaky huff and sometimes she would whine faintly, followed by some uneasy movements. You quivered as you ran your hand across the dog's back, stroking her for comfort, "Ivy...?" You whisper.

She looks towards you, but instead of a smile, wiggle, and a tail wag, you received a broken look of hurt. The way her eyes stared into your own and the way she kept herself still.

Her entire attention was focused on you.

"It's okay..." You smile weakly, petting her muzzle with your index finger, "Don't be upset..." You whispered. Ivy only stared for what seemed like forever before she quickly got up and laid back down next to you. She was pretty close and obviously wanted to cuddle with you.

You wrapped your arms around the dog and let out a shaky sigh, "I'm sorry.." Your words were the truth. You realized that you were taking a lot for granted... Such a simple little argument with Sans caused you to think that no one cared about you, or everybody was fed up with you... But sans and Papyrus were still there of course, and Ivy was obviously making sure that you KNEW you weren't alone or unimportant...

And Sans.

You really did want to go up to him and give him a good slap across the face, but another part of you wanted to hug him and tell him you were sorry.

"(Y/N)." Sans knocked on the door quietly.

You pulled the covers over your head a little bit and tried to ignore his voice.

The door opened slightly and he peered in at you. After a moment's hesitation, he walked into the room and over to your bed, "(Y/N)." He mumbled.

"What?" You whispered, refusing to peer out of your blankets to look at him.

"I've been uh... thinking and.. I wanted to apologize. I know I shouldn't be mean like that every time you bring Obi up. I've just been really upset about a lot of things lately, so I'm sorry for taking that out on you." Sans sighed, continuing to look down at you, silently begging for you to look at him.

You glanced up at him, blinking away the leftover tears, "It's fine..."

Sans' soul practically shattered at the sight of seeing you cry again. It hit him pretty hard because he knew that he was the cause of it. He didn't like being the reason as to why you were crying.

"And hey, I get pretty annoying... I deserved it." You turned back over and pulled the blankets back over your shoulder.

"No, (Y/N)." Sans sighed and sat down on the floor, "I.. Just don't like Obi that much. I don't really like many people, but I'm trying to make exceptions for him because you like him." He hated to say that you had liked Obi. It made him feel sick.

"I understand." You mumble quietly, "You should head to bed..." You suggest after a minute of silence, "And get some sleep. I'm pretty sure we both need it."

Sans was silent. He wasn't answering.

You quickly turned over to see that he had fallen asleep on the floor. Hmm... Something must have seriously stressed him out in order for him to grow so tired and fall asleep on the floor like that.

After a moment of pondering you get out of bed and spend a good ten minutes trying to get him onto the bed.

You didn't want another spine incident, so... Leaving him on the floor was a bad idea. And you didn't want to forget about him the next morning and possibly fall off of the bed. You'd fall onto him if that happened.

Once you had finally got him on the bed you yourself laid on the floor with a small sigh. You thought you deserved the floor for now... You were aware that Sans was completely fine with sleeping next to you, but for some reason you grew embarrassed about it... Maybe it was all of the conflict you two had recently.

It just didn't feel right at the time...

Ivy jumped off of the bed and laid next to you for warmth. She had been covered in the spare blanket and brought it down with her. You quickly grabbed the blanket, covering the two of you so you wouldn't get chilly.

Today wasn't eventful... Minus Sans' yelling, of course. Everything seemed... Normal?

No... It was too normal...

The normal that YOU were used to.
Constant yelling and negative feelings... That's what it was.

(We had a snow day
and I didn't take advantage of it... I was so tired
And I didn't even get extra sleep |D

I must go to bed now-- it's 11:45pm oml--)

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