Souls {31}

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Benjamin's POV

I only wake up to be greeted by the ceiling. Sometimes I'm greeted with my father screaming or Gaster being a creep. He just likes to waltz into my room and stare at me until I decide to wake up. I officially hated myself for making that deal with him... I just wanted my brother back. I just wanted my brother back and he took Ann from me!

I don't care if it would have never worked out... I just cared because he took her from her family. He drove her off the edge. And it's all my fault... I could have stopped it.

But I didn't.

I had little control over being in others minds with Gaster. He only brought me along once in awhile, and the last time he did Zerack blew it for both of us... I sometimes lie awake wondering if Zerack's still alive. Gaster might have killed him by now... Or maybe he's just putting him in isolation for now.

Isolation sucked... Whenever you were put into isolation by Gaster, it would be almost dead silent. Sometimes he'd even enter your mind and tamper with your feelings.

And from what I've learned, Zerack was a very emotionally fragile individual. You could make him cry if you said the right thing. I hated it when I made him cry... I'd be talking and he'd start crying sometimes. He says that it's because he feels really bad about everything that has happened to me.

So yeah.. I don't talk to him about myself anymore. Even if he asks.

"Benjamin! Get your ass out here! You're gonna be late for school!" My dad screams. I'm far from afraid now... I've just heard his screaming long enough to the point where I don't even care anymore.

With a small sigh I drag myself out of bed. I'm already dressed and ready... I just laid back down so I didn't have to face my dad. Once I got out of my room, the man glared over at me. He's about to accuse me of something... Great. "Don't you look at me like that. Get that look off of your face or I'll slap it off of you!"

"I'm sorry." I whispered and glanced away, "I'm going to head to school."

"Sorry. That's all I hear." He grumbles. I make my way out the door and glance over my shoulder, "Bye dad, love you." I mumbled. He only scoffs in response and I close the door behind me.

Damn... I can't ever say anything correct, can I?

No. I can't. I can't think of anything I've said that was correct. I suppose I should just stop trying... Maybe that's why I wasn't apart of the big experiment Gaster had going on.

He says I didn't require any of the main traits of the important souls. I wasn't kind enough... I didn't have enough bravery, I don't have much integrity, I have little patience, I lack perseverance, I'm terrible with justice... And I have zero determination.

That's another reason why I liked Ann... She had a lot of integrity.

Hmm, Integrity.

I halted in my steps and stared down at the ground. Tears welled in my eyes slightly and I quickly darted towards the forest.

I have to get to the lab.

Zerack's POV

I hardly even knew this girl! Why did I do that!? I disobeyed Gaster for her so quickly, without even hesitating!

Was it because of everything Benjamin has said about her...? Was that why I felt the need to protect her? I myself wasn't even sure about it. I'm not too sure about a lot of things.

This world is hard to understand. Humans kill other humans.. Humans kill monsters, and animals. It was truly a sick world. Perhaps that was why I saved (Y/N)? That could be it.

Or I'm just too kind for my own good...

I kept my back against the wall of the dark room. I was stuck in isolation, so I had to keep an eye on the souls. Gaster brought in a new soul.. But he wouldn't tell me who it was this time. I was already aware that I was one of the souls, but he wouldn't tell me who this was.

He only needed five more souls, I think... Correct me if I'm wrong. I still didn't understand why he needed these souls. I thought that they didn't exist anymore, but he says every human has their own soul color and trait.

But why did I have a role in this?

He insists that I have enough of the trait to pass for it, and I'm pretty close to a human, considering us skeletons descend from humans.

He has a weird mindset.

I managed to snap out of my thoughts and glance towards the newest soul. It was dark blue.

I'm often told that if you touch a soul, you can view their entire life; however, this soul was in a jar of some sort, so I couldn't do that even if I wanted.

I glanced down at the label and hummed.


(So yes, this is a short chapter, but this is so I can get you guys to sit on the edge of your seats for a bit ovo

Anyone making any assumptions or theories yet? owo)

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