Grudges to hold {42}

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You suddenly felt your heart jump as you realized Ivy was still inside. Perhaps bringing her to such a party wasn't a good idea... Your regret was short lived as Ivy waddled outside and plopped down next to you, probably exhausted from eating so much.

"How much did you eat...?" You chuckle weakly and sigh, "Maybe we should walk home now? You're probably exhaust--" You yelped as you were backed up against the wall by Sans.

"I'm glad you agree. We're heading home." Sans growled, narrowing his eye sockets.

"But--" You stammered.

"Now. You've got quite the story to tell me."


"Sans, I don't want to talk right now..." You whispered, looking down and glancing about, trying to think of a possible escape route. So far there were none.

"Well, too bad." Sans grumbled, "I'd like to set some ground ru--" Sans gagged as he was yanked back by the fluff of his hoodie. Whoever grabbed him let go so he'd fall back. Sans hissed under his breath and looked up to see the interference.

"Leave the girl alone, she said she doesn't want to talk." Ossis muttered, glaring down at Sans.

"She's my concern, not yours, I suggest you--" Sans began to stand back up, only to be shoved back down.

"I suggest you respect her words. Listen to them or I'll be dealing with you." The tension between the two began to grow. It was making you anxious. You quickly rushed over to Ivy who was now eyeing both of the skeletons. She didn't seem to trust either one, but for the sake of what was going on, she liked Ossis more.

Sans let out a small scoff, looking back up at Ossis, "Stay out of it, this doesn't concern you." He says, letting the threatening tone linger in his voice. He gets back up and attempts to look intimidating, but miserably fails due to the height comparison of him and Ossis.

Ossis smirked subtly, chuckling lowly, "I could care less if it doesn't concern me or not."

"(Y/N), we're going home, come on." Sans looks towards you and starts walking towards you. You didn't want to go home... You didn't want Sans yelling at you as soon as the door closed.

"Walking away from a fight?" Ossis taunted with a wide fanged grin, "I guess it's fair, I'd win anyhow. Hate to get more cracks in that idiotic skull of yours?"

Sans growled in anger, "I don't like to fight... But I will if you don't shut your trap."

"Let's make a deal. If I win, you head home and leave (Y/N) alone, but if somehow you possess god-like abilities and beat me, I'll back off and leave you be. Howzabout it?" Ossis hummed, changing his stance to look more superior. He was trying to get Sans to accept it.

It worked.

"Alright." Sans shrugs and faces towards him, "If you really want to be childish like that, then go ahead... Ladies first." He winks.

"Playing like a girl means you're badass." Ossis wasted no time. He quickly lunged towards Sans, fist pulled back and quickly launched the punch square into Sans chest, earning a sickening yelp from the target.

Sans' hands grabbed onto Ossis' left forearm and a yellow aura surrounded his hands. Before Ossis could pull away or knee Sans in the ribs, Sans swung Ossis like a ragdoll.

He was using his magic.

This wasn't going to end so well...

You stared at the two, on the brink of screaming for them to stop. You hated it when people fought... Benjamin's fights were different and had a meaning behind it. Ossis did have a reason, but you didn't want to pick sides between the two.

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