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You had gotten back home a few hours ago. It was now 6 in the evening. Gans was lying next to you in bed and you were in his arms, being held close to him. You sighed and closed your eyes, unsure if you should tell him about seeing Gaster or not. But Gaster seemed so... Different. So kind, so nice. Not evil like you had seen him before. It was like he was two completely different individuals. As you cuddled with Gans, you glanced down at Ivy who laid, curled in a ball at your feet. She wagged her tail a little when you made eye contact with her, but didn't do anything else.

So you closed your eyes to sleep. And when you opened them again.

There he was.



"What are you doing here? You aren't welcome." You snapped at the sight of Gaster, furrowing your eyebrows in anger. He had some balls coming back to your head. "You are sick."

"Only time will tell of who I truly am." Gaster murmurs softly, looking back at you over his shoulder. He looked like a pile of goo now. He slithered towards you only to tower over your height. "You will soon realize that I am a good person to have around." He assures you as if he was trying to brainwash you into thinking that he was a good person. But you weren't going to fall for that.

"Nonsense!" You hissed, gritting your teeth at the goopy monster man. "I am not that dumb." You sneer as you turn away, only to be greeted with another face. It was Ann. She was asleep... Hopefully. You noticed her steady breathing, giving you a sigh of relief but then look of confusion. Your head quickly turned back to Gaster, somewhat horrified.

"Do not be fooled. She is dead." Gaster says rather flatly. You grumble at him a little, wanting to swing at him. You wanted him to hurt. But you couldn't do it... That would be low of you, in your eyes it was a sign of weakness. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and you weren't about to have that happen. Gaster finally speaks up again. "Her human form is dead." He says. "Her soul is alive and very much thriving to say the least."

You are confused all over again. "What are you saying?" You ask quietly, eyeing him closely. Gaster begins to point towards you again.

"Her soul is alive is what I am saying." Gaster repeats what he had said and turns away. Almost as if he was ashamed.

You follow him, curious about what he meant by that. What would he do about this and what would he uncover is what you were wondering. Perhaps there was a reason behind all of this, but there was no way in hell that it was a good reason. You snap out of your thoughts as you look around at the dark void of your mind. Gaster looks down at you and sighs. "Oscar's soul is also alive."

You quickly feel a tug at your heart upon hearing that name. Your gaze shoots up to Gaster and your eyes feel watery. "Wh-what?" You ask.

Gaster nods. "His soul is alive." He says with a smile in his voice. Gaster begins to slink farther away as you follow along. Your wonder grows and grows with the more information he gives.

Eventually Gaster comes to a stop and turns to you. "I have decided that I shall warn you of Gans." He put that rather bluntly. You raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Gaster sighs a little and begins to explain, "Gans is... Not exactly existing." You shake your head. He was losing you. "He is me and sans." He murmurs. You were now listening completely again.

"What? You're being very vague." You grumble a little and look away. Gaster remains quiet for a bit until spilling the truth.

"sans and I were a part of an experiment of mine. We have discovered many alternative universes and one time we came across a tear within two universes. Upon crossing through two of them, sans and I's souls were torn and... fused together, if you will." He huffs a little until clearing his throat to continue. "Thus creating Gans. A hybrid of us two. He is indeed exists to an extent. The catch is that if his soul is split in two, he will no longer be able to exist."

You are intrigued. You began to question a lot of things, but weren't going to ask for further details on that. Only on one thing. "How is Gans dangerous then...?" You ask, a little afraid of the answer.

Gaster grows quiet, almost hesitating. "He is able to control timelines and universes." He says. "He could easily alter yours if he wanted. Fortunately he has the sense to not do so, for everything happens for a reason."

You were so confused. "So, he can control time?"

"Not really. He can time travel though, for example." Gaster admits and looks away before looking back at you suddenly. "He knows everything about your previous living situation." He murmurs. Your eyes widened at the piece of information Gaster had just revealed.

"He knows... Everything?" You squeaked, remembering the painful times with your father. Gaster nods in reply and keeps slinking away.

"Yes, he does." He hums. "Why do you think it was him who took you in? Gans would never do that for some normal human. He hates most humans." Gaster had a point. You sighed a little, not knowing how to feel about this.

"Then why didn't he do anything...?" You ask softly, a little conflicted that Gans had the ability to stop your abuse at some point.

"Gans is smart enough to know that if he did something before you ran off, he would've screwed up the timeline. He would've screwed up a lot of things." Gaster says as you two continue to travel through the empty darkness. After an uncomfortable amount of silence, Gaster looks at you again after stopping in place. "Gans took you in for his own good. He wants nothing to do with my things, even though that is why I had him assigned to your timeline."

You were confused. Again. "What are you even saying?" You huffed a little.

"I am preventing the end of the human race with your help. You just don't know it yet."

"What!?" You yell, causing Gaster to groan a little.

"Far too much for you to take in just yet." Gaster admits and continues on. "But I will let you know two things." He sighs and looks away. "Gans has taken quite the liking to you. That is why he has grown accustomed to you and some other humans." He mumbles. "He protects you with his everything, and obviously has some working to do..." Gaster shakes his head. "I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up falling in love with you, or at least thought of it."

You feel your face heat up a little bit. There was no way that skeleton man thing loved you! He was too much of a douche and emotionally constipated. There was no way.

"And for the second thing," Gaster begins. "If you ever come across her," He begins to fade away, "Never open up to her."

You squint your eyes. "Who...?" You mumble.

Gaster is almost completely transparent. "Chara."

Your eyes open and you're back in your room, still in Gans arms. He was in his human form. He is asleep and Ivy is still laying at the foot of your bed, sleeping as well. Your breathing is a little choppy, causing Gans to wake up and when he does, he looks at you with sleepy eyes, "What's the matter, (Y/N)?" He asks with a yawn.

You looked up at him, before shaking your head a little. "Just a bad dream." You weren't necessarily lying, but somewhat you were. Gans appears skeptical, but seemed okay with your response.

"Alright," he yawns again. "get some rest." Gans closes his eyes again before realizing he was still in your bed. "Uh... Sorry. I'll go back to my room." He mumbles, moving to get out of the bed but is held back by your hands around his arm.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up falling in love with you..."

"Please stay..." You murmured quietly. "I..." Gans hushed you with a finger to your lips.

"No need for an explanation." Gans smiles a little and lays back down with you. "I'm more than happy to sleep with you."

You frown. "I will have Ivy eat you."

"I didn't mean it like that..." Gans grumbled a little, blushing slightly. "I meant that.. I'm here for you." He grunted. You only smiled in response as you were curled up next to him, resting your head on his chest already fast asleep. He smiles and soon falls asleep as well.

After a long time of no updates, Let Me Run has continued. Thank you all for sticking with me. I love each and every one of you !! <3

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