Don't waste your breath {36}

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It was nonstop teasing for the rest of the day. He sure was a serious caretaker...

Not. Almost every single minute he'd say something cocky or flash a smirk towards you. To top it off, you were in public with all of his friends. The girl sitting next to you went by the name Phoebe and you weren't very pleased with her presence. She was about 5', had short dirty blonde hair and fair skin with hazel eyes. She was no human either. Giant silky wings sprout from her shoulder blades and her feet were avian-like.

You assumed that she was more than likely a monster-harpy of some sort.

Alphys was seated on your other side, twiddling her thumbs anxiously. You weren't too sure why, but it was Alphys. She was always worried about something, but the fact that Undyne also seemed a bit spooked made you wonder.

Perhaps they could tell that you were jealous? Your expression was blank. All together you looked like an oblivious child who was just seated in front of a horror movie playing on TV. Nothing seemed to interest you. Not even sans and his puns. The reactions from others weren't even enough to make you crack a smile.

"Something wrong, (Y/N)?" Frisk's voice was soft, meaning it was meant for only you two to hear. Your shoulders shrugged subtly in response. Was something wrong? You weren't too sure yourself. Why were you jealous? Was there even a reason to be jealous? It hardly seemed so. You were completely blind to the fact that you were growing reliant of Sans. He was always there in your time of need, and was most certainly there when he wasn't needed.

He was stubborn and didn't stop until he got an answer or what he wanted.

So, wouldn't a girlfriend take that away? He'd become more attached to her than you, wouldn't he? It's just what happens, is it not? And if not, then what would happen? You'd hate to see this girl heart broken because you simply wanted Sans' attention. You felt greedy for wanting all of his focus on you. Who was to blame for that? Him or you?

You were both guilty.

Sans made the mistake of constantly keeping his focus on you and you were gullible enough to openly accept that without limiting it. You took it and you were pleased with it. He gave you what you wanted after so long. You just wanted to feel like you belonged, or at least have someone worry about you without it being pity...

Sans gave you that, but he had given you too much.

You felt like a puppy! You weren't going to yank on his jacket every time you wanted to tell him something, were you? No. Never. You weren't going to beg for attention...

"Sans?" You hummed, gaining everyone's attention. It's not what you wanted, but with the extra eyes you figured that you plan would work better.

"What's up?" Sans turned towards you, but this time he seemed to be lacking the full on attention. He didn't act as if you were the only people in the room now. His gaze occasionally wandered over to Phoebe, smirking at her. It caused her to giggle, so you knew he wasn't paying attention.

"Hey punk! (Y/N)'s talking to you!" Undyne huffed angrily. She didn't appreciate that.. She didn't even do that. Undyne never shoved her friends aside when spoken to, so she could flirt with Alphys.

Sans looked back towards you and chuckled quietly, "Sorry. What do you need?" He smiles, making you want to glare. You kept your expression blank. Ivy seemed unsettled by this. "Obi texted me last night and asked me to go to a movie with him tonight. I just wanted to let you know." You hummed.

Sans smiled faltered slightly, but he kept his act together, "Oh really? Why do you think that? You did get suspended after all--"

"I'm seventeen. I'm a big girl, I can make my own decisions." You mumble under your breath. Frisk and Asriel chuckle quietly only to receive a scolding look from Toriel. Sans sighs, seemingly agreeing with what you had to say. You were right- in a way.

You nod and everyone resumes their mingling while you glance down at Ivy. So what if Sans gets a girlfriend? Maybe you'd get a boyfriend. And if that was the case, then so be it... He helped you get back up on your feet. He's just a 'caretaker', so you shouldn't get too attached to him. You had tons to experience for the first time in your life and he doesn't have to be there for all of them.

Perhaps this was a sign to start growing away from him? It seemed like so. He had a life of his own and you'd hate to be the one weighing him down on it.

(A little lame chapter I guess

A date with Obi to make Sans jelly yessss

but in the meantime--



AND i can't wait for an ANSWER

i'm so scared ;-;)

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