Chapter 26:

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It's been 3 weeks since I last seen her gray eyes. And I have been by her side ever since. Even in a comma she still looks beautiful. Her bruises have faded and her cuts have healed. Only the faint mark of the bullet left a scar. Thank god the bullet didn't do much damage it never made it to her bones just bearly hit her .

Her family has made visits throughout her stay and so did mines. This is not how I wanted my mother and sister to meet the love of my life but what can I say life happens.

I stroke her blonde hair before tracing my fingers down her face. I jump at the knock on the door. The doctor walks in "hey doc" I give a weak smile.

"Hello Shawn may I have a word with you?" He asks and I nod stepping outside with him. "What's up?" I ask focusing my attention at the angel laying in the bed behind us not breaking my focus on her for a second.

"She's been in the comma for a while now and she hasn't made any attempt to respond in any type of way. We can't keep her dependent on the machine forever."

"What are you trying to tell me?" I finally look at him although I already know what he was going to say.

"I'm saying this may be the end, I think it's time to pull the plu-"

"NO! Your not pulling anything I know she's in there somewhere she just needs time!" I beg tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm sorry mr.mendes I've called her family and they should all be here tomorrow plans are finalized for Tomorrow evening I'm sorry"

He walks away and I'm left heart broken the love of my life will be put to rest tomorrow.

I walk back into the room taking a seat right next to her, her hand in mine.

"Come on Sam please I know your in there, don't let them take you away from me" I can't
Help the sob that left my lips .

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you baby , I'm so sorry"

I lean into her side crying.

I'm woken from my sleep by little tugs. I look up rubbing my eyes.

My princess is fast asleep I tuck a piece of her hair behind he ears. Her body is colder than the last time. I still feel the tugging I trance
My eyes down to my hand that is molded to hers . I can't believe my eyes her fingers are
Softly wiggling , it's almost not visible but I know it's her.

"Oh baby!" I places kisses all around her face . "Nurse! Nurse!" I scream at the top of my
Lungs pushing the red button.

I kiss the back of her hands repeatedly before the nurses rush in to inspect. Her heart beat jumps high as she begins to wake. I panic the feeding tube is still down her throat. It's freaking her out I know it.

" relax Sam , relax its just a feeding tube they're going to take it out" I play in her hair.

The monitor goes back to normal as they sedate her.

"We'll be back mr.mendes , she's a lucky one" the nurse smiles and I lay back in my seat sighing in relief.

I call everyone to tell them the good news Mathew included who stopped by a few days ago.

She's back in the room sound asleep she looks so much better breathing on her own with a little support from the oxygen tank beside her with a little tube attached to her septum.

Even like this she looks beautiful yea her hairs a mess, lips dry, pale skin but I'd take all of that  then to see her in a casket.

Scrolling through my feed I hear a sharp gasp.
She jolts up choking. I'm slightly nervous but the nurse told me to expect this.

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