Chapter 62:

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I am greeted by many and my brother and I have resolved our problems.

"Look who actually showed up" I tease my second oldest brother David

"I couldn't miss it plus it's a reunion" he nudged my shoulder holding our niece

I roll my eyes
"Honey why are you not in a dress?" I roll my eyes at my mother

"Because Im probably going to be chasing after my children mother" I roll my eyes as she straightens her dress out and slings her Chanel bag over her shoulder.

"Hi princess" my dad approaches from the drive way
"Hi daddy" I give him a hug
"Talk to your wife" I tell him annoyed he frowns
"Already we just got here " he scowls at my mother as she walks away
"How are you Sammy?" He ask me catching Melanie as she runs past him
"I'm okay dad just focusing on myself and my children right now" I smile
He tickles her as she reaches for me to save her

"Papa!" She screams laughing jumping out of his arms into mine before setting her down .

"That's good honey stay strong I will always be here for you . Now excuse me I'm starving"

I look around and I see Aaliyah directing the face painter and the game station team.

"Hey" I hear a familiar voice behind me
It's Shawn he's holding Liam in his arms .
"Hi" I say before things get awkwardly quiet
"This party is amazing" he try's to make conversation
"Yea it's great exactly what I envisioned thank god for Aaliyah "

"She's good for something" he jokes and we share a laugh.

"Sam..." he calls
I hold my breath turning to look at him for the first time since we've been standing here.

He looked different more built he's been hitting the gym a lot. He does that when he's going through a lot . He cut his hair he looked really sharp and handsome not that it's important

I realized that him and Liam had on the same outfit. Which was really adorable.

"Yea?" I ask praying he doesn't bring up the fight.

I think he caught my facial expression he opened his mouth to speak then shut it and shook his head.

"Could you hold Liam for a sec I didn't get the chance to grab the gift out the car"

"Yea sure" I take sleeping Liam into my arms resting his head on my shoulder. He gets his sleeping habit from Shawn.
I watch as he walked to his car. He hopped in the driver seat and placed his head in his hands.
I quickly looked away feeling my eyes burning.

"I can take him they want you at the bouncy house... you okay?" Theo calls taking Liam into his arms

"What?- Yea I'm fine" I quickly blink away my tears.

He follows my eyes to where they first were
"Want me to go talk to him?" He ask sternly

"No it's fine we're okay we already acknowledged each other we're good" I lie feeling my eyes sting again.

"I got it from here let's go to the bouncy house" shaliene grabs my arm and we walk into the open yard pass all the tables up to the bouncy house.

"Thank you" I say wiping my tears
"If you want to step out for a minute I can cover you Sam" she says rubbing my back

"No im fine I just haven't seen him since .. the incident" I fix myself up

"Okay well take your time although you don't want to here this I think you should talk to him"

"I did" I brush her off

"No actually talk " I sigh staring off into the distance

"I don't know" I focus my attention on the just about inflated bounce house.

"Well think about it " she said before announcing for all the children to line up.

"Shoes off everyone" she says before helping them in.
"It's time to sing happy birthday everyone !" Aaliyah yells.

"Let's take a family picture "my mother announces being the bitch she is

"Honey" my dad nudges her

"It's okay dad we can take a family picture"
I look over at Shawn who is holding finally awakened Liam.
I lift up Melanie and we start to sing.
"Are you 1 are you 2 are you 3! Yay"
Everyone claps we help them blow out their candle before smashing their faces into the cake which was funny.

Shawn and I stood together with them for pictures. After it was all done we started packing up and saying goodbyes.

of course Shawn's family was left to help as my family had planes to catch .

Shawn helped the set up crew pack away the table and chairs as his parents helped clean up the garbage. I watched as the twins played with each other.
an hour later everything is gone and Shawn's parents have left with Aaliyah .he helped me give the twins a bath and put them to bed.
"Did you guys have fun?" Shawn asked and they nod their heads rubbing their eyes.
"Hopefully they can sleep through tomorrow " I joke kissing their heads before stepping out the room.
Shawn did the same and we walked quietly to the front door.

"Thank you for being here and helping out with everything it meant a lot ... to the twins" I look down at the ground

"Yea I wouldn't miss it for the world" he shoves his hands in his front pockets and rock back and forth on his heals.

We both stood their awkwardly quiet I can tell he wanted to talk but he was sure If that would ruin the drama free zone that we have going on.

"I guess I better get going have a good night" he smiles at me before walking out.

I let out a deep breath closing the door. My phone goes off it's shaliene

"Hey shay what's up?"
"Nothing just landed wanted to let you know we reached safely"
"That's good thanks for coming . I finally got them to sleep"
"Good hopefully they will sleep until at least noon"
We both laugh
"I sure hope so" I sigh exhausted
"How did it go ? Did you guys talk?" She asked anxious
"Not exactly " I bite my lip frustrated
"Samantha" She scowls me through the phone
"I know I just .... I don't know , I don't even know what to say" I frown.
"Start by saying how you feel and then ease your way through the guys need to get past this point in your life you share children. You're going to be apart of his family for life."
"Your right we just ended on a bad note it's just weird "
"I know you guys aren't sure where you stand but you have been through ALOT together. You had each other's back every step of the way I don't know what happened "
I sigh peeping out the windows next to the front door I see his car still in the driveway.

"I don't know what happened either " I sigh
"Well let me know how it goes get some rest call me tomorrow " we say our goodbyes and I take a deep breath.

I open the front door and I spot Shawn sitting on the steps head in hands.

"Shawn" I call as he turns his head around slowly and our eyes lock.

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