Chapter 18:

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Shawn's pov
I groan at the sound of my phone vibrating on the surface of the night stand. Emily's name is lit up across the screen. Jesus Its 4 in the fucking morning .

"Yes?" I answer the phone in a low whisper annoyed not wanting to wake Samantha.

"I know it's short notice but I just booked you an appearance on the hottest radio station in Miami." My eyes widen did I just hear that correctly.

"Miami!" I try to contain my excitement "that's amazing.....but why are you calling me at 4 in the morning" I ask curious and sleepy.

"Because it's at 8am today and you need to be there ontime" I sigh annoyed

"Emily "

"I know, I know I'm sorry but they can only do today, someone else flopped on them I already booked your flight it's at 5:45 hurry up" the line goes dead.

Ugh sometimes I want to just drop everything and go back to being a normal person. I slowly slip out of bed . I freeze feeling her hand grip my shirt tightly as she begins to stir.I hold my breath praying that she doesn't wake up.

To my luck she doesn't instead she releases and turns the opposite way. I want to tell her that Im leaving but I don't want to disturb her she looks so peaceful and angelic when she's sleeping . Besides I don't want to tell her that I have to go to work because I promised her I wouldn't  but when opportunity calls I have to to answer .

I take a quick shower and tug on a pair of jeans and a black t shirt and my vans. I look in the mirror and run my fingers through my hair I don't have time to comb it. I sigh rubbing the circles underneath my eye and slide on my leather jacket . I should be back by 10ish  the interview is probably an hour or two. At most including hosting and a acoustic live performance over the radio and taking calls from fans.

I just hope thats all that Emily has and nothing else up her sleeve. I quickly pack a bag  I just hope this all goes as planned. I take a deep breath gently brushing my lips against her forehead as she frowns in her dream slightly as if she knows that I'm leaving. 
I'm Almost at the door When I hear David call for me. "Yea man" I acknowledge him.

"where to?" He slurs taking another swing of. His beer.

He's drunk "airport I have a radio show in Miami"

"does Sammy know?" He ask sitting up catching his balance before he falls off the couch.

"No I didn't want to wake her " I admit.

"I hope your telling the truth and there's not a girl in Florida that your running to?" His lips pull into a smirk.

"No! I would never , I love your sister with all my heart I wouldn't do that to her" I quickly shoot back.

He holds his hands in surrender almost falling backwards "just making sure" he says laying  down on the couch. "When will you be back?" I shrug.

"not sure hopefully before she wakes around 10?" he nods dismissing me. I sigh in releif quickly exiting before he finds more questions to ask .


I feel like I'm doing something bad I feel like I'm sneaking around trying to not be caught. I should have just waken her up but then she wouldn't want me to leave or she might have wanted to come but then I would feel even more guilty for making her miss her meeting with her clients.

Either way I still lose but it just sucks. After she told me that she doesn't want to lose me I realized how much we've grown to each other. I know I'll never be good for her and I can't keep that promise of never leaving her because I'm always going to leave her my job requires me too. What if she gets tired of putting up with me.

"Hey how'd it go?" My rant comes to a halt and I look up. "Oh Hey, uh it went great" I return a forced smile. "What's wrong Shawn?" I feel her hand rest ontop of mines flipping her hair over her shoulder.

She looks really hot right now but then I remind myself of the desperate person that she is and I mentally roll my eyes "nothing I'm fine camila" I sit up pulling my hands back from hers.

"Don't play dumb with me Shawn I want to know what's wrong" she scoots closer placing her hand on my knee. I glance at her hand then back at her .she bats her eyes innocently "its sam" I sigh and she scoffs "i thought you guys broke up?" .

"We did but I went to visit her and I've been at her house for almost 3 week now"

"so are you guys together?" I think about her question and I simply shrug unsure myself.

Yea we said that to her brother but realistically how can we be if I have to leave in a few days to start my solo tour. "Well what's the problem then?" She asks leaning way to close to me.

"I don't know I think I should let her go-"

"me to" she blurts surprised that she says that out loud but she doesn't apologize she smile instead.

"I just don't want to keep leaving her, you know" she nods rubbing my thigh as her hands hitch higher.

"So why not just end it now" she suggest

"but how ? I can't just ignore her I have to go back and get my things I have to tell her something but I just don't want to hurt her again" I frown removing her hands from my thigh and placing them on the table and she frowns.

"Just act like you aren't interested in her any more" I frown at the idea

"but how do I do that? I don't know if you've notice but I'm not good at being mean" I frown yea I get angry and mad sometimes but I'm never mean.

"I'll help you out but first you really have to make her believe that you don't care" I sigh not wanting to go through with this "just ignore her then make her feel like it's her fault trust me she'll get over you if your lucky she'll be the one kicking you out" I hope so.

"This is going to be much harder for me then you think" I scowl

"you need to move on Shawn" she chants

"it isn't that simple"

"it is just pretend that your with me" I flush red

"I don't know" I scratch my head

"oh come on Shawn it has to be believable if she knows you inside out she'll see right through you she'll know your lying" true but I don't want to break her heart that was never my intention.

This isn't going to end well I just know it someone is going to get hurt.

I should call her now just to inform her on my where abouts.

"Sam, hey"

"you scared the shit out of me you can't just leave like that Shawn why didn't you wake me up or something" She rants.

"Im sorry I didn't want to wake you"

" it's whatever , where are you?"


"Miami!, Shawn!"

"Yea I have an interview" I feel guilty

"you promised me you wouldn't work this is suppose to be our time" I frown.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't pass it up"

"you can't pass anything up can you " She mumble and her comment bothers me more then it should

"No I can't ,You know why because this is how I make my living this is my job!"  Where is this anger coming from? I have no clue

"Shawn I didn't mean it like that" She sighs

"this is what I do Samantha it's what pays my mothers rent and puts food on the table" I figured why not start something now.

"Shawn I'm not asking you to quit your job but I just want to spend time with you"

"you say that but your at work all the time don't be a hypocrite Sam" I bark back watching Camilla give me a thumbs up

"Shawn I-"

"Don't, you know what I'm done with this conversation I have to get ready for my interview " I scowl

"Shawn-" and I  hang up in the middle of her sentence.

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