Chapter 33:

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SAMs pov

"Oh so how recent were you aware that you were a father to this toddler?" Steve asks

"3 days ago"  I frown this is going to escalate very quickly .

"So if you don't mind me asking given that around this child was 'created' you were with multiple women , so may I ask who her mother is?" I squeeze the shit out of shawns hand I don't know what he's going to say.

I look at Emily who is gesturing for us to stop and get off the stage. Shawn doesn't seem to notice.

"Her biological mother is Camilla cabelo but her current mother is my beautiful fiancé"

Questions are just being fired and things are getting too personal.

"How are you feeling about this Samantha ? You've become a mother to a child that isn't yours" I scowl 

"Sorry I think that's all we have time for today we'll be back after the break" I smile fakely at the monitor before stomping out my chair quickly walking over to Emily. 

"You cannot call break!, and we are not finished with the interview" Steve yells.

"Does it look like I give a shit ?! you want to tear my family apart and I will not let that happen!" I fume feeling Shawn pull me into his arms.

Emily now holds Amelía who is confused but stays quiet.

"You can not interiorgate my client and his family I won't allow that so the rest of this interview can go fuck itself" Emily rages.

I watch Shawn pull her back as we walk out the building.

I have never seen so much paparazzi in my life.

Security is trying their best to contain the paparazzi and fans but they can't hold out much longer the moment we get inside the van we can hear them beating on the glass.

Amelia's crying and Shawn is trying to comfort her. I myself feel like crying I just don't want this to come between us.


We finally pull up to the house to find even more paparazzi. Geesh I knew Shawn was famous but over the past few years he has become the new Justin Bieber .
(No one will ever replace Justin im just comparing their popularity)

We're inside at last and I quickly shower and change into shorts and a tshirt. I walk into the living room searching for Shawn but he's not there. I feed jace and jasper and walk into Amelia's room he's laying next to her in bed reading a book as she drinks her bottle and plays with his hair. It was the cutest thing ever.

He looks at me smiling "look, who's that Amelia?" He asks

she looks at me removing her bottle from her mouth "mommy" she says in the sweetest voice. I can tell she was getting sleepy. She reaches a hand out for me as I lay next to her on the bed kissing her hand.

"Hi princess" I smile looking into her curious eyes. She tangles her fingers in my hair continuing to drink her bottle.

I don't recall when I fell asleep but I can feel muscular arms lifting me up and placing me on a soft surface

I open my eyes watching him pull his t shirt over his head leaving him in only his boxers and socks.

"Enjoying the view" he asks laughing as I roll my eyes. He slides under the cover snuggling up with me.

"You okay?" He frowns concerned.

"No" I bite my lip feeling my tears form.
"Shawn I don't want this to come between us"

"It won't I promise" he wipes my tears away

"But how do you know Shawn? I've seen what the media has done to relationships" I frown

"Because I know and we can't let them get into our heads" he sighs

"Shawn you are the number 1 trending in the whole world right now and you don't think this will affect us?"  I wipe my tears repeatedly .

"Not unless you let it!" He snaps getting out of the bed rubbing his hands through his hair.

"You don't know how hard it is on me your not the one with all the weight on your shoulders. all heads arent only  turned to you, I'm the one with the child , so much is expected from me, I have to answer to you, my fans, the press, the media, my managers, the record label and it'd help if you atleast thought positive and try to fight with me not against me!"

I jump as he knocks the lap over and it shatters.

I sit up frowning watching  him tug on jeans and a shirt. 

"Shawn stop" he shrugs me off pushing his feet in his vans. I snatch the other foot away before he could reach for it.

"Samantha I'm not in the mood"

"Just stay please , I'm sorry" I apologize holding the shoe behind my back.

"I need to go for a walk to clear my mind" he sighs holding his hand out

"Just come back to bed" I plea as he stands up and grabs the other shoe from behind my back.

"I have a lot that I need to think about" I just feel extra emotional this week stupid PMS.

"I'm just scared Shawn, I'm so scared of what this can become. I've never had to deal with something like this before. I feel like I'm the outsider as much as I would love to feel like amelìa is mines, I don't . The media is going to constantly remind me that I'm not her mother each and every single day and it frustrates me . Have you even seen Twitter ? They want you and camila back together so that you guys can be one big happy family, where am I in this picture? Who am I? What do I mean? What am I worth?" I rant feeling my tears stream down my cheeks.

Shawn rubs his temples before sliding his shoes off and pulling me into a hug. "You are right where you need to be. You are my fiancé and I'm not asking you to be anything that your not . I love you and I'm telling you that your Amelia's new mother because one, we are in fact getting married in a couple of months and because her own mother didn't want her anymore she's motherless. And I promise you I won't let this get in between us we can get through this, together" he gives me a quick kiss pulling me back in for a hug before changing and coming back to bed.

"Daddy" I hear a cry.

I rub my eyes sitting up feeling Shawn stir tightening the grip on my waist.

"Daddy" I hear again leaning over Shawn to see amelìa tugging on the end of his shorts.

"What's wrong princess?" I whisper

She reaches out for me "mommy"

My heart races every time she calls me that I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Shawn has a child.

I lean over picking her up from off the ground laying her in between us.

"What happen baby?" I frown wiping her tears

I don't like seeing her like this "I scared"

"Did you have a bad dream?" I ask and she nods holding onto my shirt.

"It's okay mommy's here" I cradle her pulling the blanket over us.

"What's wrong?" I hear Shawn mumble half asleep.

"She had a bad dream" I say

He rubs her back.
"It's okay princess"

She turns to Shawn cuddling next to him crying into his chest .

I frown wrapping my arms around her as she clutches onto my fingers "I hate seeing her like this"

Shawn sighs" so do I"

"Daddy, mommy...I don't wan go bwack"

Shawn and I eyes meet followed with a frown .

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