Chapters 1-2 Dreams and Nightmares / First Day and Last Day *

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Chapter 1

Isisa was walking through the Temple of Hathor; the cool darkness attacked her soft skin. Then out of nowhere came a hand, she struggled but could not hold back the assailant. Her world them plunged into darkness. She woke up in a small room, the furniture in the room was elegant like a noblemen's house but with a women's touch. The chairs where of gold and silver with precious stones inlaid, the bed that which Isisa lay on was of white gold. It was a very beautiful bed the front of the bed had two White Dragons with sapphire eyes inlaid. They then stretched to the end of the bed frame with a pillow filled with goose feathers.

Isisa was amazed on where she was. She got off the bed still a little dizzy trying to figure out what had happened perhaps it was part of the surprise. When she got to the door, she realized that it was locked. This frighten her, where was she? Who would want to do this to her? What did they want? So many questions where running through her mind, she wanted to go home but where was home? With Pegasus? Yes, that is where home was. Just as she was trying to understand on what was happening, she heard the door unlock. Then a tall boy no more than 17 or 18 came in, he had short black hair, slightly tanned skin, and piercing green eyes. Isisa looked at him not sure on what do make of it, for he looked like one of the ancient Egyptians on by the way he dressed. Then for some reason she looked at herself and what she saw almost scared the wits out of her. Her cloths had changed to. Instead, she was wearing a small child's collar with a neat design.

"So, you are awake, best show father the Princess," the man said to himself breaking the deathly silence

"Who are you, what am I doing here" Isisa panicked

"You don't know who you are do you. Well I guess I must tell you. You are the one who will be the future wife to the heir to the Kaiba Corporation. You WILL bring us quiet a hefty sum of gold Princess," replied the man

"No! I will not I want to go home, back to my daddy"

"You mean that winged horse of a father who doesn't have a clue on how to raise a child" screamed the man "No Princess Isisa you will be a bride to the heir weather you like it or not. NOW come your real father, your blood father wants to see you"

With that the man grabbed Isisa and took her fighting and screaming out of the room...

.... Eleven Years Later....

Isisa jerked awake sweating, and very antsy.

[Why does this always happen every time I am about to leave a dig? I spent 11 years trying to bury the memory of the kidnapping. I wonder if I am ever going to get over it.] Isisa thought

She was not in the mood to be contemplating over whether to go to the camp medic or not. Isisa stood from the cot where she had been sleeping and walked over to the opening of the tent. The Egyptian night was cool and relaxing, if only things could be normal again. Isisa wished that everything would just go back to how it was before she was kidnapped. She would have never disobeyed Pegasus.

When she finally escaped and was reunited with him, he was never the same he turned cold and unfeeling. She was punished for not listening to him and for walking off without a bodyguard. After the incident, she was sent to a private school where she completed the rest of her schooling and went straight into Egyptology. She enjoyed everything about the field; now in the middle of finishing up her thesis for Egyptology. She was happy that she got paired with Mr. T. Moto. He was a wonderful man; he was like a grandfather that she never had. She was glad that he allowed her to trace her family bloodline. This wasn't allowed, however Mr. Moto managed to convince the Egyptian Community History Council or ECHC to allowed it. The reasons being that Isisa knew quite a bit more than the average Egyptian specialist. Isisa also knew lots about the ancient duel monsters' game than anyone.

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