Chapters 109-110 Frighting for Life / Flowers and The Past *

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Chapter 109

"Her name is...Mosi Caoilainn Chione Layla Sophia Kaiba," stated Isisa weakly

"What do they mean?" asked Seto gently as he looked at his daughter

"Mosi means...Born First. Caolinainn means... slender and fair. Chione means...mystical daughter of the Nile. Layla means...Born at night. And last but not least Sophia means wisdom" stated Isisa as Seto gently rocked the baby girl

 Seto passed the baby to Pegasus who was looking on. Nuri took her leave, she realized that she would have to announce to the group about Isisa's condition. Before she left, she looked back and a stray tear rolled down her cheek. It was heartbreaking knowing that Isisa's might die. Nuri had done everything she could do; it was now all up to Isisa. She hoped Isisa made it through the night. Nuri slipped out of the room and headed to the room where the gang and others were waiting.

 Seto sat on the bed near Isisa he held her hand. He looked into Isisa's now pale blue eyes.

 "Please take care of her," said Isisa weakly

"Isisa I don't know what you're talking about" denied Seto trying not to think of what is to come

"You're going to be alright" reassured Seto squeezing Isisa's hand

"Seto promise me, please" asked Isisa


"Promise me" begged Isisa with pleading eyes

'Isisa...I love you and I don't want you to go" said Seto trying to stay strong, but slowly failing

"Seto, I am weak, there is no way I will make the night" stated Isisa

"Don't talk like that, Isisa. Promise me that you won't leave me," asked Seto looking at Isisa

 Isisa remained silent as she closed her eyes and reopened them to look at Seto. Her eyes moved to where Mosi laid in Pegasus's arms. A tear slid off Isisa's face. Seto wiped the tear way as he looked at Isisa. He saw that she was looking at their daughter. He didn't want her to go, he had that feeling again. The feeling he had when Mokuba was born, he tried with all his strength to bury it, but something in the back of his mind kept saying, ' she is not going to make it'. Seto tried to throw that voice out of his head, but it was not working. He looked out the window of Isisa's room, and saw that there was a star. It was star unlike any other star. He walked closer, but before he did, he looked and saw Isisa had closed her eyes; he then went to the window.

 There shining high in the night sky was the star, it had a bluish tint to it.

 "It's the same star," said Pegasus behind him as he laid down Mosi in the near by crib

"What do you mean, same star?" questioned Seto

"It is the same one that was there when Isisa was born," explained Pegasus

"I don't understand," said Seto

"Seto, it is the same star that Isisa was born on and the same star that her mother died on. Don't ask me how it works, but that star only shows up when someone of ancient blood dies and is born," explained Pegasus as he looked up at the star.

 The star seemed to say, 'look into my little eye'. Seto closed his eyes and walked back to Isisa's bed. He sat down on the near by chair, and held Isisa's hand. Pegasus did the same, but took the other side on the far side.

 The gang was in shock when Nuri had told them of Isisa's condition. Joey was glad that some of the tension was lifted, but he was also in a depressed mood when he heard about Isisa's condition. As the gang walked up the stairs, they didn't talk to each other, but as they came to their rooms, they said goodnight to each other and headed into their rooms. When Yugi got back into his room, the Pharaoh was there waiting for him.

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