Chapters 53-54 A Visit From The Duel Medic / A Dragon Needs Her Rest *

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Chapter 53

Isisa had ushered Mokuba to the tech room and had dragged Maria with her to the Medical Room aboard the Dueling Blimp. There she met the doctor that was in charge and had changed into a casual nurse's outfit. Maria had begged Isisa to wear the dress outfit, but Isisa said,

"No, it shows my legs to much"

"But, the guys like short skirts and they are easier to take off," suggested Maria as she looked at the ceiling

"MARIA, NO I will not wear the skirt besides I like these creamy pants, I will just wear my cream halter-top shirt to it and...Vóila perfect" exclaimed Isisa

"Oh, nice I guess that does suit you, but boy that changes the definition of, 'Get into your pants' that will make him go stir crazy. He won't be able to focus on the duel," cried Maria in delight

"Oh, you and your boys" mocked Isisa as she grabbed a clip board and her duffle bag

"Come on, or have you changed your mind," asked Isisa eyeing her

"Coming," quipped Maria

So, the two of them looked at the list of duelists that they have to examine, Seto is 1, Joey 2, Yugi 3, Mai 4, Marik 5, Bakura 6, Odion 7, and number 8....

"Who is number 8?" asked Maria

"I don't know, I guess we get to find out"

They walked to Seto's room first, just then, Maria said,

"I'll go and 'check' Mokuba"

"No, get back here you, ditcher. You wanted to come on this so now suck it up buttercup" laughed Isisa as she knocked on Seto's door, above and beside the door was a large black 1.

She knocked again, and Seto answered with a smile,

"Yes" he asked

"Duel medic, must check all duelists before the finals" said Isisa

Maria slapped her head.

"Come right in" said Seto still smiling

"Okay, now why don't you sit on the bed" directed Isisa

"Sure, anything else...doc-tor" said Seto

"Get a room," shouted Maria

"Maria, this is a room" clarified Seto

"I'm out of here, let me know when we are done here" shouted Maria heading towards the door

"Don't you dare leave now, just get me a glass of water from the bathroom" said Isisa

"Now you, take off the coat, and the shirt," she ordered

"You do know that no one orders me," stated Seto

"SHIRT COMES OFF AND ADD THE COAT OR I AM USING MY SISSORS" cried Isisa as Seto grabbed her waist and pulled her to him

"KEEP IT G-RATED IN THERE" shouted Maria

"Yea, bo-ss keep it G-Rated," repeated Isisa

"Fine, Nur-se, do I pass the physical?" teased Seto as he took off his coat and black shirt

"Oh, yes sir you do," said Isisa putting on the stethoscope and bent to hear Seto's heart beats

"CAN I COME OUT NOW?" yelled Maria

"Sure, Mr. Kaiba here passes inspection"

"Did you really inspect him?" said Maria as she poked her head out of the bathroom

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