Chapters 17-18 Monday Morning Meeting / 'Someone's Going To Pay' *

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Chapter 17

Hathor is the goddess who personified the principles of love, motherhood, and joy

Ra is the sun god

Seto led Isisa back into the ballroom; he looked at Isisa from the corner of his eye and noticed that her dress was messed. It looked like well that Isisa took a roll in the hay with someone, [For crying aloud, I need to learn how to control my urges. I really want an annulment and I know if I bed her it's going to end up in divorce, and that's not something I plan on having] thought Seto

Isisa was glad that she was able to stop it before it got more physical, but she still see the image of Seto's hands running over her body imprinted in her mind. [Maybe he's not so bad after all] thought Isisa

Isisa then saw Filippo talking to someone and then she turned to Seto and said,

"I have to go, my father is ready to leave," she said as she started to walk away

Seto caught her hand and then snaked his arm around her waist and said,

"Maybe you should introduce me to my father-in-law" he said with arrogant smile

"How about not, okay," said Isisa as she escaped from Seto's grasp

Seto watched her leave; he looked closer at the figure behind Filippo, but couldn't see anything. He then saw Isisa join the two men and take one of the men's arms and walk away towards the elevator. After ten minutes, he walked to the elevator and went down to the first floor. He paid his side of the bill and called the limo. He would wait until Monday to try to corner Isisa again.

When Isisa arrived back at the Moto residence, it was almost 10 o'clock and she was starting to feel sleepy for the night's events. She kissed her father on the cheek and then said good night and good-bye and walked into the house. She walked quietly up the stars and into her room only to find someone that she didn't what to see.

'What in Hathor's good name are YOU doing here" said Isisa her eyes like daggers looking straight at the Pharaoh

"Well, seems like you didn't have a good night. So, what was it that pissed you off, the food, the music, or perhaps was it the company..." said the Pharaoh

"Well, the food was delicious, the music superb, and certain company was well...not so pleasing"

"I take it your hubby was there," said the Pharaoh

"Okay, how about you get out," said Isisa

"No, I quite enjoy driving you up the wall" said the Pharaoh

"Well, then I guess I'll get out of this dress then" said Isisa turning her back to the Pharaoh

"Do you honestly think that's going to get rid of me"?

"Pharaoh, can you undo the zipper in the back"

"EEEEEKKKK, I'M OUT OF HERE," screamed the Pharaoh as he stood up and bolted out the door.

Isisa laughed to herself, [I have to admit that the Pharaoh is a very interesting person] thought Isisa as she forced herself out of the dress. She then slipped into her nightclothes that lay on top of the bed. She grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste and went to the washroom. She still could taste Seto's kiss from earlier, [Man if the Pharaoh found out that me and Seto had a fight today and then later kissed and made up, rather wildly he could use this a major blackmail] smiled Isisa. Isisa then went to bed; she was tired from the evening's events. She closed her eyes, pulled up the covers close to her, and dreamt about well on what Monday morning would bring.

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