Chapters 46-48 Double Duel Parts 1,2, & 3 *

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Note: {} means communication through thoughts. Used for Marik's Rod commands

[] Rare Hunter responds through thoughts this is just used for the first part

Chapters 46 Spell of the Mask: Chapter 47 Cooperate Chapter 48

RW- Joey and Tea have just met Namu and Mistress Dragons had just left

Anime Summery Starts

Joey and Tea head off to the finals, while Marik is gloating that they have no idea on who he is. He goes all glowy red to communicate with his Rare Hunters.

{Do not fail me this time!} Steamed Marik

[We will not fail] reply the two Rare Hunters

{Bring me the two remaining God cards and the Millennium Puzzle, and make sure little Yugi stays out of my way, PERMANENTLY!}

[Yes, Master Marik, we will get it back our specially prepared deck will help us win the Egyptian God Cards back]

{All right then, go my Rare Hunters}

Back to reality

Namu ran after Joey saying,

"Hey if it is not too much of a bother can you give me some dueling advice right now"

"Sure, I've got so much dueling advice it will make your head spin" bragged Joey

"Joey look out behind you," warned Namu as a arm came am placed him in a headlock

Just then three Rare Hunter sneaked up on them, the Rare Hunters grab Namu just as he warns Joey to look out behind him.

(Note: this is a part that was cut out in the US version, this is now the Japanese version)

Joey punches one attacker, but one of the others had grabbed Tea, before Joey could come and rescue her. The other two Rare Hunters knock him down, once Joey was down the same Rare Hunter punches Namu and gets hit in the stomach and face. Then all three Rare Hunters gather around Namu, kicking him. Huddled on the ground he yells,

"Joey, Tea run"

But of course, they didn't abandon him; Joey gets mad and starts yelling,

"How dare you!" and jumping into the fight.

He punches out two of the Rare Hunters before one that grabbed Tea again, while he is threatening that one, the other two punch him in the face and stomach, and he falls on his face out cold.

At that time Tea's cell phone rings, and one of the Rare Hunters takes it out of her bag. He answered the call, only to hear Yugi's voice asking for Téa, she calls out to him just as the Rare Hunter drops her phone on the ground and stomps on it.

End of the Anime Summery

The line went dead, as the Pharaoh and Yugi remembered Marik's threat to his friends. He gave the cell phone back to Mistress Dragons and says,

"We are too late; the Rare Hunters have already gotten to them"

Mistress Dragons bowed her head and hoped Maria was safe.

"Don't worry Yugi, I'll track them down by the satellite, and then we can have our duel," said Kaiba smugly


"Hey Seto, we have a problem. It seems that I can't locate Joey's duel disk on the tracking system. I check in at HQ and have them start on the problem right away" radioed in Mokuba

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