Chapters 68-70 The Duel In The Darkness Parts 1,2, & 3 *

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Chapter 68

Note from the Author: I have decided to skip the Battle Royal duel and move right along to the duel with Joey and Marik.

As Seto and Yugi come down to the ground, Isisa saw Seto look in her direction and she just turned her head pretending to be listening to Tea's conversation with Tristan and Duke. Roland then comes up, explains that the rest can take the elevator, goes, and meets the duelist at the top of the tower. Everyone except Seto and Isisa go. He comes up to her and says,

"Isisa, are you okay"

"Why shouldn't I be" she said not looking at Seto

"You were not feeling well this morning" he said looking worried

"I am fine and besides I am the only duel medic here isn't that right" she said as she walked to the elevator waiting for the next lift up.

"Isisa you and me need to talk" said Seto trying to find the words, he knew that she was hurting deeply

"Isisa, I know I said this before, but..."

"But what" she said turning around

Before he could answer, the elevator's bell sounded indicating the lift was here. Both went in the elevator in silence. When they got to the top, they saw that Marik and Joey had taken they their dueling stations at the top of the tower. Isisa walked to the dueling station and took her place across from Roland, who was standing in between the two duelists.

Anime Summery Starts

"This will be the most difficult and most dangerous duel you have faced" shouted Yugi from the sidelines

"I will crush the creep" said Joey back to upholding a thumbs up

"Wheeler, you could not beat Marik if you were blindfolded and handcuffed. You are no match for his Egyptian God Card" stated Kaiba shaking his head

"I went up against it before, and I did just find" protested Joey

"Yea, the God card knocked you out cold" reminded Kaiba

"Boys, can't we stop the fighting and get on with the duel" interrupted Isisa who's concern went unheard

"I am the only one who can beat Ra" bragged Kaiba

"Kaiba, Ra holds secrets none of us understand yet" explain the Pharaoh

"That is where you are wrong, Yugi. I have uncovered the secrets of Ra. My computer has translated the Egyptian writing no one else could" stated Kaiba

But both the Pharaoh and Yugi think that there is more to it than that. They think that Kaiba's connection to the ancient past helped him.

"I am going to defeat the Winded Dragon of Ra, and Joey is going to help me"

"No way rich boy not on my life" shouted Joey making a fist

"I will be watching your duel with Marik carefully, Wheeler. In order to test it my own strategy to take down Marik in the final" explained Seto

"That now will be pretty amusing" said Dark Marik laughed evilly

"Once I defeat Yugi and win Slifer the Sky Dragon. I'll be ready to take on Marik with Joey serving as my lab rat" said Kaiba

"Hey, I am nobody's lab rat" shouted Joey still making a fist

"I don't know how an amateur like you, Wheeler ever got this far in my tournament in the first place, but at least your serving a purpose now, helping me perfect my plan to beat Marik's Ra"

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