Chapters 83-84 The Toon Room / Another Lost Soul *

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Chapter 83

As the gang started in shock, Mistress Dragons walked over to Pegasus's desk and opened up the computer. She turned on the web cam and then made a phone call.

"Hello Pegasus Residence" replied the voice

Mistress Dragons stood up and said,

"Holland it's Mistress Dragons, did you get my message from earlier"

"Yes, Miss. Dragons, the master's body is in his room. I have called Dr. Nuri; I will let you know if there is any change" replied the Butler

"Alright bye" she said as she hung up

"Wow, how do you know your way around his office?" asked Mokuba as he stared at the Photographs on the wall

"When I am not dueling, I am mostly here" came the reply

"Yea, who are all these kids?" asked Tristan

"Hey isn't that one Isisa" asked Joey pointing to a picture with Isisa and Pegasus

Everyone looked at picture everyone was in shock,

"How does Isisa know Pegasus?" asked Mokuba

"She is the youngest out of his brood," replied Mistress Dragons as she walked towards the panic room off to the side

"She can't be his kid, she doesn't even look like him, but maybe she is a kid that she helped or something," replied Tea already knowing the truth

"Yea, I agree with Tea she does not even act like him," said Tristan

Seto looked at the picture, Isisa looked no more than five years old in the picture. The picture pulled at his heart. Mokuba also looked at the picture and questions started to form in his mind, [How does she know Pegasus other than he is her boss?] wondered Mokuba as he looked on. Then Mistress Dragons said,

"That is the door you are all looking for," she said pointing to the panic room

"Are you sure" asked Seto

"I am sure, and besides I want to get it over and done with. I am expected somewhere" she said tapping her foot

"Okay now we need to know how to open a door with a Duel Monsters card" said Duke just as the Pharaoh walked up to the door and slid the card through. The door then opened to reveal a dark room inside.

"Okay, who wants to go in first?" asked Tristan

"We can always draw straws," suggested Joey

Then Seto walked in, followed by Mokuba,

"Okay, now let's close the door and run," laughed Joey

"Joey this is no time for games, besides I don't think Isisa would like that" scolded Tea

"Hey I was only telling the truth" said Joey as the gang walked in, Mistress Dragons stayed behind, and when she saw that they were in the room, she walked out of the main room and exited the building. Back in the room as the lights came on, the room revealed to hold life-sized models of Duel Monsters. They were all of Pegasus's favorite Toons, with a huge version of Toon World in the center.

"Okay, then this isn't creepy at all," replied Joey

"No, this is borderline creepy and mentally ill" replied Téa

"Okay let's make this visit as short as possible I HATE Toons," replied Kaiba as he looked at the Blue Eyes Toon Dragon on his right

Then a hologram of Pegasus appeared, and everyone jumped back, except Seto,

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