Chapters 97-98 The Women Behind The Veil / Good News, Bad News *

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Chapter 97

Isisa ran back to her hotel room, when she had gotten there, she noticed that Maria and her nurse were not there so she ran into her room and sat on the bed, then cried into the pillow.

She remembered what Zigfried had said,

Flash Back

"Mistress Dragons good to see you, may I have a word with you" asked Zigfried as he approached Mistress Dragons

"I don't see why not" she responded

"Now please let us sit right here" he indicated on the bench under a tree

The two sat down and Mistress Dragons turned to him,

"What do you want?" she asked

"Come now Frau Kaiba, I know it is you behind the veil. There is no point in denying it" blurted Zigfried

"H-H-How did you know it's me' she asked lowering the veil

"I know these things" he responded

"I know that you and Herr Kaiba are having...difficulties shall we say"

"You mean our divorce," replied Isisa plain out as she let the veil hang to one side

"Yes, it is a deep shame that such a wonderful match should come to a sad and tragic end, but I know that he had it planned from the beginning isn't that right" said Zigfried with great sympathy in his voice

Isisa winched, the thought was still raw in her mind, but it was the plain truth that Seto did plan to divorce her from the beginning, but who was she kidding she didn't know he would be so handsome. For she didn't want to end up married to him in the first place, but now her, heart was ripped out of her chest and stomped on by Seto.

"I guess I saw it coming" she said quietly

The two duelists were hidden from any prying eyes, hence the thinking ahead on Zigfried's part.

"Isisa I know you must be going through an emotional roller coaster right now, but I know deep down you want to get back at him, but you just don't know how" explained Zigfried

"Not really, he had offered me a large sum of money, but I didn't take it, like I don't want it" replied Isisa almost in tears

"Here" said Zigfried as he handed a white handkerchief with lace edging

"You need something to comfort your fears, your worries, and your someone to protect you. Herr Kaiba doesn't do any of those things; you even saw for yourself that his mind is straying. The Mistress of Dragons idea, was ingenious I wouldn't have thought of a better idea myself. You went to the heart of what you believed and you tested him, and what he failed he brought you to his room did he not. I mean if I were a married man, I would love the woman I had been given. You are the sun and the moon, and what did he do, he made an eclipse happen and shut out your glorious shine. You can't possible love him now" stated Zigfried with compassion

"I must really hate myself, but I love him still and I never told him not once" cried Isisa

The tears followed like a river down her face, but inside Zigfried smile, [Yes, it is working just a little more and then I have what I need] he thought

"Isisa he hurt you badly, and worse he is seeing that Vivian Vong" lied Zigfried

"What!" exclaimed Isisa as the tears started to flow even more so

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