Chapters 55-56 Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures /Duel in the Night *

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Chapter 55

Note from the Author: I will be speeding up the finals just to get on with the story, so duels will be cut short. I will only include the most important duels.

As Isisa ran towards Bakura's room, with the doctors on her heels, she was worried Bakura's condition. She had forgot to check him before the duels even began, [I cannot believe that I forgot to check Bakura. He was the one that NEEDED attention. Oh, I can't forgive my self if he is badly hurt] cursed Isisa.

When she got to Bakura's room, she saw that he was even paler than he had before. She quickly went to attend him. The doctors attended him as well. It wasn't until Roland had announced the second duel for the finals to start that the doctors told Isisa that they had Bakura under control. She reluctantly went, but knew that she was the duel medic on call so she hurried up towards the main hall. When she got there, Roland was welcoming everyone and so was Mokuba.Maria was in the corner of the room, near the bingo machine looking rather board. Isisa walked towards her and asked her how she was doing,

"How are you doing?"

"Fine I guess, how is Bakura?" asked Maria looking up at Isisa

"Oh, he is stable I hope he is going to make it" replied Isisa

"You going to watch the next duel, I wonder who it is."

"Yea, I have to it is part of the rules" said Isisa looking at the duelists lining up.

"Who do you think it is?" asked Maria looking in the same direction

"I don't know, want to bet" eyed Isisa

"I don't know do you want to?" giggled Maria

"Okay, here are the rules it is similar to double or nothing so if I say two duelist and they duel it is double, but if I say duelist and it is right, I only get one of whatever we pay"

"Okay, $5.00 a duelist, so I am going to can't be Yugi because he already dueled, so...I am going to say Seto and...Mai okay. Who are you going to pick" finished Maria

"I am going to say Marik and Joey," said Isisa

"Marik as in Namu or Marik as in Odion?" inquired Maria

"Marik as in Odion" confirmed Isisa

"Okay, deal. Now let's find out who is going to win," said Maria looking the duelists.

Anime Summery Begins

As everyone looks on as the numbered balls bounce around in the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Bingo Machine. The first duelist chosen is Number 2, Joey Wheeler, and his opponent is Number 7, Marik Ishtar. But it's actually Odion, pretending to be Marik. Yugi's sure that Marik is planning to use his Millennium Rod to win, so Joey had better be prepared for anything. While Joey makes threatening noises at Odion, who just stares back at him grimly, Isisa looks at Maria who is staring in shock.

"I think you owe me...what $10.00" smiled Isisa

"B-But that is now fair, how in the hell did you know?" asked Maria

"Hey, I guessed fair and square," giggled Isisa as she walked towards the dueling area.

Maria then followed behind Isisa.

As Joey and Odion face off on the dueling platform, where they shuffle each other's decks, Isisa walked over to where Seto was standing. He snaked his right arm around Isisa's waist and held her tight. Maria walked towards Mokuba and the two slowly held each other's hand, where no one noticed.

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