Chapters 63-64 Dueling in Mayhem / Trouble Happens Where You Least Expect It *

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Chapter 63

As Yugi and Tea are walking across the ice, they were wishing that they had some hot chocolate. Yugi had given Tea his coat, while he rubbed his hands over his shoulders really fast.

"You are a lifesaver, you know that" said Tea

"Yea, but I am pretty worried about the others, Serenity and Tristan more than Duke and Isisa," said Yugi while shivering

"Yea, but why are you not worried about Isisa and Duke?" asked Tea

"Well, they have dueled before so I am not too worried," replied Yugi

"I see, what you mean. Boy! Am I glad that duel with Crump is over; he was starting to give me the creeps with his number facts and all? I mean I can see why Kaiba didn't want him as an accountant" stated Tea as she shuddered at the reminder of the duel

"Yea I have to agree with you on that one. Kaiba was right when he fired him, I would not even hire him to do my accounting" said Yugi looking around the barren ice land.

Meanwhile Tristan, Duke, Isisa, and Serenity are walking in the woods, though Isisa decided she wanted to try riding T.D.C. again Serenity just said,

"You go on ahead, I am not getting on THAT horse again"

"But if you don't get back on, it is telling him that he wins and that is not a good thing to have in a horse. One that is bone headed and will not listen to its master. You just have to get back on," reasoned Isisa

"Nope, maybe when we are back in reality I will, but not in the virtual world that will be over my dead body," exclaimed Serenity

At this, both Duke and Tristan gasped,

"No, Serenity don't say that you don't mean it do you?" begged Tristan

"I do, I am not getting on that horse," she said as she marched ahead

"Please, darling, baby, be understandable" begged Duke running and holding Serenity's hands to his chest

"Hands off pal" growled Tristan

"SIX INCH RULE COMING INTO PLAY" shouted Isisa for she needed to be overheard by all the yelling going on

"No, not the six-inch rule" cried Tristan in horror

"Did she say, sex inch rule?" asked Duke cleaning his ears

"Well...we know with what body part Duke is thinking from," giggled Isisa

"Uh?" said the three

"Ha-ha, did you guys ever take Sex Ed?" laughed Isisa

"Yea, in school" said Duke

"Well, you should know then what I am talking about," laughed Isisa again

Just then, Tristan sneezed,

"Hey, that is what you get for swimming in the lake" scoffed Duke

"Hey, I wasn't the only one going swimming asshole, because if I remember correctly you also helped getting Isisa out of that lake" snapped Tristan back

"Well, whatever you do, don't give it to Serenity" said Duke turning his back to Tristan

Then Serenity sneezed,

"Hey Germ Boy, look what you have done now. You got Serenity sick, you better stay away or I might catch your evil germs too" shouted Duke

"Oh, yea, come here Dukey Boy," shouted Tristan as he wrestled Duke to the ground.

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