Chapters 60-62 Into the Virtual World / Nightmares in Cyberspace / Lover Boys *

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Chapter 60

Note from the Author: Hope you are enjoying the story. And there is a special contest that is coming up were all of the readers get to choose a name. I will explain when I will set the contest it will be on the chapter, which I hope is coming up soon. So, enjoy this version of SEASON 3.

As everyone fell though the vortex, it was brightly lit with bright colors. Mokuba stuck to his brother while Seto said,

"Don't worry, they will pay for this"

Joey was the first to come to, lying on the ground outside a huge mansion. The sky was bright blue and the sun was shining. There was a breeze blowing and the birds were singing.

Tea found herself in a rugged canyon, the air was hot, humid, and not to Tea's liking. While Serenity came to on the shore of a quiet lake, she walked to the edge of the later and placed her hand into the lake.

"It feels so real, but so fake at the same time. How can that be?" she wondered as she sat down on the shore.

Tristan and Duke were another story, for they woke up in a long wood-paneled hallway wonder were Serenity was, and blaming each other for the others fault.

Isisa woke up in the desert, the intense heat did not bother her, but when she opened her eyes, she saw the endless sand dunes and the clear blue water of the little oasis that she was at. The Arabian like tent behind her made her wonder what was going on, but then she felt the aching of her body. She saw the water, looking cool and inviting, looking around and saw that no one was in sight. She stripped and walked into the cool pool.

Seto and Mokuba were lying on a pathway in the middle of a forest. Kaiba's arm around his little brother's back. Mokuba was the first of the two to come to.

"Seto, wake up"

"Huh?" groaned Seto as he struggled to open his eyes

"Are you alright?" asked Mokuba

"I am fine," said Seto sitting on the forest floor

Watching them on one of many digitally projected screens surrounding him, Noah sits in a high-tech-looking chair, reflecting that he has them right where he wants them each one isolated in his virtual world. Just then, one of the members from the Big 5 appeared on one of the screens.

"Everything is in place; do you have a target for us?" asked Johnson

"Yes, and No" said Noah looking at the screen with Isisa in the oasis pool

"What do you mean, do you or not" asked Johnson again

"There is one, you cannot have"

"What do you mean?" asked Johnson in disgust

"Isisa, the almond brown girl with Seto...or well not with him at the moment. She is not to be targeted...not yet anyhow," said Noah

"Why is that" asked Gansley who appeared on another screen

"That is for me to know, you can take any other person, BUT her is that clear," repeated Noah

"Yes, Master Noah" repeated the Big 5

"I think I have a target for you, who better than the infamous Yugi Muto" said Noah as he turned to look at the screen with Yugi on it.

Yugi stands on the shore of a large pond in the middle of a forest, saying to himself that it all seems so real, when from the depths of the pond a creature raised out from the water. It is one of the Big 5, in the body of a Duel Monster. He says he's Gansley, former Vice President of Business Strategy at Kaiba Corp, who has now taken the form of the Deep-Sea Warrior. The two begin to duel, Gansley said that he would use Deep Sea Warrior as his deck master, and taunts the Pharaoh about his deck master, Kuriboh.

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